Even after it's gone there's still thinking to be done

Dec 02, 2010 21:48

Does anyone remember the last Desmond-centric episode from season 6? The one titled "Happily Ever After"?

I rewatched it tonight, this time on French cable, and it was very different because of the big flat screen but also because I already knew the finale...

And it changed the way I saw the episode. When I watched it the first time, I was like everybody else, thinking that Desmond was again experiencing some mind travel, this time between the islandverse and what looked like an altverse. But the finale told us that the altverse wasn't an altverse at all, but an afterlife place wherein they all gathered after they died. So how can we understand Desmond's shifting?

Suddenly it struck me. Desmond's weird experience was the product of a quantum mecanics experiment: Desmond was a paradox, he was Shrödinger's cat!

He was dead and alive at the same time, in a juxtaposed state, hence his experience of the afterlife.

Widmore locked him in a sealed box, just like in Shrödinger's thought experiment.

I still not like the finale though...


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