Random quiz :)

Mar 30, 2012 18:18

Hi, everyone! ^.^
I know I've been absent for quite some time, but well...you know me! I'm just that type of an evil ghost writer XDD
Today I'd like to share my result of the Consequences of Capitalism quiz with you and also encourage you to take one too! ^.^
So here it is...

You're Hunger!

You manage to stick around even though there's no earthly reason
for you to do so. After all, there's enough food for absolutely everyone to eat.
So why do you go around killing so many people? Looks like another clear market
efficiency. By requiring people to have randomly valued pieces of paper or metal
discs or electronic representations of same, you can manage to make many of them
so undernourished that their life ends. They expire because of a lack of needless
items, usually because those items are only distributed widely in another part of
the world. And you thought you had problems.

Take the Consequences of Capitalism Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

LOL, seriously?! Hunger? Well...it's kind of true that I'm constantly hungry...XDDD
Anyway, have fun guys! :P


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