Majimak Insa University

Jun 16, 2012 13:17

Waaaah, it's been a while!

Title: Majimak Insa University
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Supernatural, mystery, romance (don’t be impatient, feelings must be developed properly first :P)
Pairings: you may try guessing :P
Chapter: 3/?
Summary: a government project, those with special ability and those without it placed in one university - can they manage?
Warning: swearing and a bit of violence
Disclaimer: Yeah, they’re totally mine…not!
AN: this whole fic was inspired by Yunho & Changmin’s mv “Keep your head down” (and that’s why Yunho’s special ability is fire^^)

“I’m going to the toilet,” Soohyun informs his roommate as he starts walking to the adjacent lavatory.

TOP, who is lying on his bed with his arms folded behind his back, snorts. “You think I’m your mother or something that you have to report to me about every fucking little thing you do?” he asks darkly.

Soohyun glances at the other man. “No, you most certainly aren’t my mother”, he simply replies, not affected in the least by the raven haired man’s poisonous comment, and shortly after, he disappears behind the white toilet door. A few minutes later, he re-emerges and the sight that greets his eyes is the empty room and no sign of TOP.

“Geez, where did he go? We were supposed to stick together,” Soohyun thinks to himself and groans at the thought of what may happen if someone discovers that TOP broke the rules. Alarmed, he quickly leaves the room and rushes in search of the other man.
I fucking hate this bloody university,” TOP mutters dourly while walking through the park, the greenery around him slowly, but surely withering away. Then, he notices a happy-looking redhead sauntering on a path some distance away from where he’s standing. Unnerved by the other man’s bright smile, TOP decides to wipe that annoying grin off of his face. He slowly raises his hand and extends it in the other man’s direction. “Let’s see how long you’ll manage to maintain that happy mood of yours, you fool,” he smirks, his eyes flashing dangerously.
Glad that he was able to become friends with Yesung, his first friend ever, Hyukjae smiles cheerfully. Then, he decides to go back to the Suju dorm, but just as he’s on his way, he feels a sudden wave of tiredness wash over him. He stands in place, trying to will his dizziness away, struggling with the unexplainable, gradual and yet rapid loss of strength. His breathing becomes ragged as his legs start wobbling and eventually give away, causing the redhead to lose balance and fall to his knees in complete exhaustion. Utterly confused and appalled, Hyukjae wheezes as if life is being sucked out of him.
Seeing the redhead on his knees, fighting for his life, Top smirks in dark satisfaction. Then, suddenly, he hears someone call his name. He glances back over his shoulder to find the owner of the voice and then curses heavily under his breath.

“Seunghyun!” Soohyun shouts to get his roommate’s attention. “What are you doing?! Are you trying to kill him?!” He asks, agitated by the other man’s insensible behaviour, and worrying about the panting redhead.

“I’m amazed at your extraordinary ability to read my mind,” TOP says sarcastically. “You’ve just fucked up my only fun activity in this sodding Podunk,” he growls.

“That’s not important now! Let’s check on the guy first! I hope he’s ok…” Soohyun says dragging the raven haired man along with him and running in Hyukjae’s direction.

TOP snorts. “I don’t give a fuck about him. Everyone should just go fuck themselves for all I care,” he admits, a bored expression on his face.

Soohyun glances briefly at his roommate and shakes his head disapprovingly, a sigh leaving his lips. “You and your twisted reasoning…” he mutters. Shortly after, they arrive at Hyukjae’s side and the blonde squats down in front of the kneeling and exhausted redhead.

“Are you all right?” Soohyun asks, putting his hand on Hyukjae’s shoulder, worry ringing in his soothing voice and his eyes attentively observing the other man.

“Hey! Don’t just stand there! Help me, ok?” the blonde says turning to look at his roommate.

“Why should I?” TOP enquires while folding his arms in front of him and tilting his head to the side, a tint of disgust showing in his dark, piercing eyes.

“You broke the rules!” Soohyun retorts in disbelief, unnerved by the other man’s attitude.

“So? It’s not like anyone knows that,” TOP replies calmly, his voice having a rather bored ring to it as he glances at his roommate with an indifferent expression on his face.

“Oh, really? Is that what you think?” a deep voice reverberates in the air.

Soohyun’s head immediately shoots up, the man looking in the direction that the somewhat familiar voice has come from, and soon, his eyes grow wide.
With his hands in the pockets of his black trousers, TOP nonchalantly turns around and his bored, dark eyes fall on the silhouette of a man who is leaning against a nearby tree. “Mr dorm leader, huh?” the raven haired man says rolling his eyes.

The leader of the Solo Collection dorm sighs and pushes himself off of the tree. “And just what did I tell you about going solo?” Hyunjoong asks tiredly, disappointment shining in his eyes.

“Well, apparently I don’t give a fuck about that, do I?” TOP snorts.

“Ah, that’s unfortunate,” Hyunjoong states indifferently. “Right, Yunho?” He adds shortly after.

“It sure is,” a voice in a close distance replies.

Soohyun and TOP glance to their right just to find the Kings’ dorm’s leader sipping mineral water on a nearby bench.

“And just where the fuck did you come from?” TOP asks unnerved.

“That’s irrelevant,” Yunho merely states, taking the last swig of the water and then, throwing the empty bottle into the trash bin, which is standing next to the bench. “More importantly”, he says, “why didn’t you abide by the rules?”

“Because I didn’t feel like doing it,” TOP replies, his face unreadable.

“You do know what may happen if you break the rules, don’t you?” Yunho asks.

“Yeah, I do, and I don’t give a shit. If you were hoping to scare me into obedience then, I’m so very sorry cause, unfortunately, I’m not afraid of you,” the raven haired man states, venom dripping from his poisonous tongue.

“That was not our intention,” Hyunjoong interjects. “But I’m sure you’re perfectly aware that your gift is dangerous and life- threatening,” he merely states. “That’s why we simply can’t have you walking around and using your power on random people,” he adds glancing at Hyukjae, who, with Soohyun’s assistance, is slowly getting back on his wobbly feet.

“So? Just what are you gonna do to me?” TOP snorts. “Whatever it is, just do it quick or else…” he trails off.

“Or else you’ll use your power on us to suck all our life force and then watch us panting for breath on the ground?” Hyunjoong asks, finishing TOP’s sentence and the raven haired man only smirks.

“Sorry, but that’s not gonna happen,” the leader of the Solo Collection dorm states. “In case you forgot, your power doesn’t work on other gifted people, and apart from that, you seem to have forgotten that Soohyun’s here so your power is basically useless now,” Hyunjoong reminds.

TOP’s face darkens. “So? What now? Are you two planning on beating me up senseless now?” he asks folding his arms in front of his black-clad chest.

“Hmm…I don’t know…are we?” Hyunjoong asks dispassionately and glances at Yunho.

The leader of the Kings’ dorm briefly closes his eyes and sighs. “How about you show him what you’re capable of, Hyunjoong?” he suggests as he gets up from the bench and walks up to the leader of the Solo Collection dorm.

“All right, but there’s so many things…which one should I choose?” Hyunjoong ponders aloud, tilting his head to the side in thought. “Maybe my cute little flowers?” he wonders glancing at the tiny violet plants which silently grow in the grass near the five of them. He raises his hand and slightly twirls his index finger in a circular motion. Seconds after, one of the flowers suddenly immensely grows to the size of a road sign.

Soohyun’s and Hyukjae’s eyes widen at the sight. “His cute little flower, he says…” Soohyun whispers to Hyukjae, who’s leaning on him for support, and the redhead suppresses a smile.

“I seriously wander just what exactly your definitions of cute and little are…” TOP mutters.

“Anyway, I think it’s time to demonstrate my adorable violet’s performance,” Hyunjoong states as his hand dives into his jeans’ pocket and fishes out a coin. The man, then, throws the small, round item into the flower’s direction and when it lands in front of the huge plant, some lucid substance shoots out of the violet’s pistil and lands straight on the coin. A few seconds later, just as TOP is about to ask what the stupid show was all about, there’s a hissing sound coming from the coin’s direction. The raven haired man’s eyes focus on the small item once more, and to his surprise, he notices a wisp of smoke coming off the coin, the item melting.

“Who would have thought that your cute, little violet is actually randomly shooting out acid,” TOP comments.

“Well, that’s what makes it so unique and fascinating, don’t you think? Anyway, I believe I should inform you that I can make it shoot acid at anything and anyone at my will. You get what I mean?” Hyunjoong asks suggestively.

“Yeah, I most certainly understood your oh-so-subtle threat,” the raven haired man replies with a dark expression on his face.

“All right, as long as you get it…” the leader of the Solo Collection dorm trails off. “Anyhow, Yunho, don’t you think it’s time for you to do something?” he asks, turning to the other dorm leader.

“I guess it is,” Yunho answers and glances at TOP. “You were perfectly aware that walking around by yourself equalled braking the rules, but you decided to do it anyway. You do realise that we can’t just let you off with it. That’s why, sorry, but I have to do it,” Yunho says and shortly after, extends his hand in the raven haired man’s direction. Soon, wild, red flames appear in front of TOP and start encircling his figure, rendering any potential thoughts of escape impossible.

Closed in a huge ring of fire, TOP quickly raises his palm to suck out Yunho’s life force, but soon, he realises that what the two dorm leaders were saying is true and his gift is, indeed, useless when it comes to the other power users. On top of that, he also remembers that his power won’t work on anyone when Soohyun’s around.

Guess I’m really fucked this time, the life force drainer ponders in his mind. Then, he notices that the red flames start closing in on him. “So this is it, huh?” he states with a sad smile on his lips. “Perhaps I deserved all this,” he says as hot air slowly starts piercing his skin. Just as TOP’s about to close his eyes and resign himself to his fate, he notices a thick layer of a soothing blue flame engulfing his whole body. What’s this? He wonders in his mind as he stares at the glittering blue flames. The raven haired man’s eyes fall on the blood red fire which slowly but surely nears him. Then, he sees the two colours of the fire clash and a sudden realisation hits him. He glances at Yunho, who’s watching the flames.

“So, from the start, you had no intentions of killing me…” TOP states looking at the leader of the Kings’ dorm.

“I think that goes without saying,” Yunho says. “Who am I to take other people’s lives? I’m no God to judge others, I’m just a regular guy who happens to have a certain gift, that’s all,” he adds.

“In that case, this…” Soohyun starts.

“This was a warning,” Hyunjoong explains. “It’s only the first day here for all of us so we didn’t want to resort to any drastic measures, but just to be clear, if there ever happens to be a next time, we won’t be that lenient anymore,” he elaborates.

“I believe that would be enough for now, unless the victim here,” Yunho says, glancing at Hyukjae, “would like us to punish you some more. After all, he was nearly killed,” the leader of the Kings’ dorm states.

Hyukjae’s eyes grow as wide as saucers. “K-k-killed?” he stutters.

“Yes, TOP was draining your life force, so if he hadn’t been stopped in time, he would have probably brought death upon you,” Hyunjoong explains. That’s why we ask if you want us to punish him more severely,” he adds.

Hyukjae looks down and slowly shakes his head sideways. “No, I don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me,” he replies. “Besides, I feel fine,” he adds with a bright smile.

“You say that even though you’re leaning heavily on Soohyun for support,” Hyunjoong points out and Hyukjae’s cheeks turn slightly pink in embarrassment, his white lie discovered.

“Ok, if that’s how it is, then I think our job’s done here,” Hyunjoong utters. “Ah, and Soohyun,” the man adds turning to the blonde, “ don’t think that we forgot that you’re both to be punished if the rules get to be broken. We decided to let you off this time because when you discovered that TOP left on his own, you immediately ran to find him,” Hyunjoong explains and Soohyun nods in understanding, glad that he was spared this time.

“All right, since everything is settled now, I suggest Soohyun and TOP go back to their shared room, and as for Hyukjae, I’ll walk him to his dorm,” Yunho states walking up to the redhead and relieving Soohyun from the task of supporting the exhausted man.

“Fine by me,” Hyunjoong agrees nodding his head in consent.

“Ok, then, see you guys,” Yunho says with a small wave of his hand. “Let’s go Hyukjae,” he turns to the redhead and the two start walking in the direction of the Suju dorm.
Inside Kyuhyun and Hyukjae’s room, the ice user is sitting at the windowsill, one of his legs touching the floor, and staring impassively at the world outside. Then, he hears that someone is at the door, but he doesn’t even bother to turn his head and glance in that direction as he’s sure that it’s just his roommate coming back from his walk.

“Which bed is yours, Hyukjae?” Yunho asks the tired man, whose weight he’s still supporting.

“The one…with the navy…blue sheets,” the redhead pants out.

Having heard the unfamiliar voice, as well as his roommate’s exhausted one, makes Kyuhyun turn his head and glance at the two men. His cold eyes take in the picture before him: his roommate leaning heavily on a caramel haired man, who he identifies as the leader of the Kings’ dorm. Then, he watches the taller man gently lie the redhead onto the bed.

“Ok, now rest well,” Yunho instructs sitting next to Hyukjae and patting him on the shoulder, a soft, reassuring smile on his lips. “I’m truly sorry that you had to face such a situation…” he says, a sad expression on his face. “But, please, don’t hold it against T.O.P., I’m sure that there must be a reason why he behaves the way he does.”

Hyyukjae smiles gently. “I never wanted to hold a grudge against him. I don’t blame him for anything. I just hope that he can let go off his hatred and anger that he keeps inside. I’m sure it’s painful for him too,” the redhead replies closing his eyes, the soft smile never leaving his now peaceful face. Seconds after, he slips into oblivion.

“Hyukjae, you’re a really nice guy,” Yunho states and gently ruffles the other man’s blazing red hair, a smile on his lips. Then, he feels someone’s stare on him and lifts his head up to meet Kyuhyun’s cold, assessing eyes.

“Ah, right. Sorry for intruding so suddenly, but we had a bit of a situation,” Yunho explains getting up from the redhead’s bed. “I’m Yunho and you must be Hyukjae’s roommate…” the caramel haired man trails off.

“Kyuhyun,” the ice user states indifferently, having guessed that that was what the other man was getting at.

“Ok, then, Kyuhyun, please look after Hyukjae, ok? He had a pretty hard day today,” Yunho says observing the other man’s expressionless face.

Kyuhyun just stares at the leader of the Kings’ dorm, his face devoid of any emotion and his cold eyes on the caramel haired man.

Seeing that he won’t receive any answer, Yunho decides to just leave the ice user alone. “All right. I’m going then. It was nice meeting you,” he states with a smile and soon leaves the room.

Kyuhyun, on the other hand, stays on his spot on the windowsill and glances at the sleeping redhead with his dull eyes. He vaguely wonders what could have happened to his roommate that the leader of the Kings’ dorm had to walk him back to their room, but soon, he shrugs it off and looks out the window again.

Having walked Hyukjae to his dorm, Yunho enters the Kings’ dorm and heads to find his room. After walking for some time through the corridor, he finally stumbles upon the room with his nameplate. So my roommate is Kim Kyujong…he ponders in his mind as he stares at the nameplate next to his. Wait…isn’t he the guy who was glaring at me at the opening ceremony? So it’s him…But then, why did they assign us to be roommates? It’s quite obvious that he may have some issues with me given his circumstances. They could have easily predicted that he certainly won’t appreciate a fire user being his roommate, so then why? Yunho frowns. Well, what’s done is done, there’s no point in dwelling on it, he concludes as he reaches for the door handle. Then, as soon as he steps into the room, he is hit with something, hard in his stomach, which causes him to bend forward in pain and clutch at his abdomen. Seconds later, he receives a blow to his head and his vision darkens and blurs as he reaches out his hand and leans against the wall for support, his face distorted in pain. Thankfully, his mind clears up just in time to look up and block the next impending slug.

“What the hell are you doing?!” he asks angrily as he pushes the aggressor away from himself.

Kim Kyujong stares at Yunho with ice-cold eyes. “What do you mean what I’m doing? Can’t you see, you filth? Trash like you have no right to exist in this world. I’m just doing the humanity a favour by eradicating you. The world would be so much better without monsters of your kind,” Kyujong spits with disgust while whirling a baseball bat in his hand.

Yunho just stares coolly at the other man for a few seconds and then, he sighs heavily. “By saying my kind…you mean the fire users, right?” he asks, but it’s more of a statement that anything.

“That’s right. And now, die,” Kyujong states, putting away the baseball bat and pulling a gun from the inside of his black coat. He points the gun at the other man, aiming at his heart, and without batting an eye, pulls the trigger.

Yunho watches with dismay as his new roommate points the gun at him with the intention to kill him. He sighs in resignation and reaches his hand out, holding his open palm in front of himself just before the sound of a gunshot reverberates throughout the room.

Kyujong stares at the scene before him in disbelief. He lowers the gun and observes a bright wall of glimmering blue flame which has appeared in front of Yunho. Then, Kyujong’s eyes travel to the floor, where he finds the bullet, which he has just fired at the other man, rolling on the hard, wooden surface with a clinking sound. When the fire disperses, he glances up to find an unscratched Yunho looking at him.

“Fucking hell,” Kyujong grits through his teeth.

“Although I knew that you could have some issues with me since I’m a fire user, but this…I didn’t expect,” Yunho says, disappointment showing on his face.

Kyujong just scoffs. “I don’t give a fuck about what you thought or expected, asshole,” he says with venom in his voice.

Yunho stares silently at the other man for a few seconds. “Well…you obviously tried to kill me, but let me tell you something. Killing me won’t be that easy,” the gifted roommate assures with conviction.

“Easy or not, I won’t rest in peace until you say goodbye to this world,” Kyujong growls, glaring at the other man.

Yunho sighs shaking his head, a smile of resignation on his lips. “Suit yourself,” he says and walks up to his bed to sprawl out on his black, satin sheets.
The next day, late afternoon.

Dressed in black trousers and a white tank top, which offsets his well-toned body, Leeteuk is sitting at one of the tables in a, save for a few people, pretty much deserted cafeteria. He’s just finished eating his late breakfast, when he hears light footsteps approaching him. He doesn’t even bother to look up at whoever that came up to him, instead, he just leans back in his seat and starts texting on his cell, completely ignoring the person standing by his table.

“Um…excuse me?” a soft voice tries to gain Leeteuk’s attention, but the leader of the Suju dorm stays unresponsive.

“Uh…Leeteuk?” the voice tries once more and this time Leeteuk finally tosses his phone onto the table and looks up at the annoying, persistent person in front of him. “What?!” he snaps.

“You see…you were absent during the morning classes so I thought you could use these…” Hyukjae says extending his hands and offering the ponytail man his notes, a warm smile on his face.

Leeteuk stares at the redhead for a few seconds and then his head falls back in mocking laughter. “You’re offering me your notes?” he asks after a while, still chuckling a bit. “Don’t fuck withy me!” he exclaims, glaring at the other man and banging his clenched fist onto the table.

Hyukjae flinches at the sudden, unexpected action. “I just thought…” he trails off, not sure of what to say not to anger the other man any further.

“I don’t give a fuck about what you thought. Let’s make things clear, no matter what useless shit you do for me, you sure as hell won’t ever receive anything from me in return. Got that?” Leeteuk states harshly, his piercing gaze sending a cold shiver down Hyukjae’s spine.

The redhead just stares wide-eyed at the other man, unable to utter a word.

“You know what? Just looking at you pisses me off. Why don’t I do something about that irritating face of yours?” Leeteuk muses aloud as he lifts his right hand up and swings his forefinger to the left.

Suddenly, Hyukjae feels a stinging pain on his right cheek. He brings his hand up to touch the hurting place and when he lowers it, he sees a trace of blood on his fingers. He gasps softly and looks up at the leader of his dorm.

“What? Wanna say something to me?” Leeteuk asks, a mocking smirk on his lips.

Hyukjae looks at the ponytail man, but stays silent.

“No? Nothing to say? Oh, well…” Leeteuk says in a jeering, poisonous voice and flings his forefinger yet again, and again until Hyukjae’s face is covered in multiple small cuts, each one drawing blood.

“Still nothing to say?” Leeteuk enquires while watching with cold, unfeeling eyes as blood runs down the redhead’s face.

Hyukjae lowers his head and winces in pain. His whole face is burning, but he strives to endure the pain. “I…I’m sorry,” he finally whispers. “I didn’t mean to anger you or hurt your feelings in any way. I just wanted to be of help,” he confesses.

“Hurt my feelings?!” Leeteuk exclaims slamming his hand onto the table and standing up. “You wanted to be of help?!” he raves and grabs the other man by the collar of his shirt, making him look into his eyes. “Who the fuck are you trying to kid?!” he glares at the redhead, a dark, ominous expression on his face.

“I’m sorry…” Hyukjae whispers, “but it’s true,” he replies, a soft smile appearing on his blood-stained face as he continues to look at the other man with warm eyes.

“As if I’d believe that, you fucking liar!” Leeteuk says letting go of the other man, making the redhead stumble. “Get the fuck out of my sight!” the leader of the Suju dorm orders in a stern voice.

“But…the notes…will you take them?” Hyukjae asks, still hoping that the other man will accept his kindness.

Leeteuk chuckles. “Now you’ve done it,” he utters, his superficially amused expression vanishing in an instant. “Should have ran away when you had the chance,” he says as he lifts his right hand and rapidly swings it forward making Hyukjae slam into the nearest wall with his wind power, the redhead coughing up blood. Shortly after, Leeteuk is standing about 4 feet away from the redhead, who has sunk down to the cold floor.

“I…I just wanted you to accept my notes because you missed the morning classes…I didn’t have…any ulterior motive…” Hyukjae states catching his breath.

Leeteuk stares at the other man with dark, dull eyes. “You simply ask for it,” he says as cold, piercing wind starts to swirl in the room. Then, the ponytail man slowly starts lifting his hands and focusing his wind power in his palms. Soon, a wind ball of a quite considerable size is formed and in a matter of seconds, Leeteuk throws the keen wind ball at the redhead.

Hyukjae closes his eyes tight and braces himself for the impending blow, however, just as the wind is to hit him, it is stopped by a solid, glittering wall made of ice. His eyes grow wide at the sight and he quickly looks around the cafeteria in search of a certain someone, and sure enough, he finds him sitting at one of the nearby tables.

“I think that’s enough,” Kyuhyun states with finality in his voice as he stares at Leeteuk, his face, as always, expressionless.

“You think?” the leader of the Suju dorm asks sarcastically.

Kyuhyun stays silent.

“Why the hell are you interfering?” Leeteuk asks darkly a few seconds after, but Kyuhyun still doesn’t answer and simply continues to stare, his expression unreadable.

“Why the fuck do you even care about what happens here? I thought you weren’t interested in the slightest,” Leeteuk utters, folding his hands on his chest, and glaring at the ice user.

“I don’t care what happens here, really,” Kyuhyun admits. “It’s just that I think he’s had enough,” he explains in a monotone voice and glances at Hyukjae, who is still on the floor, with his back leaning against the wall. His shirt is stained with blood as well as his face, which is now distorted in pain.

“So? What’s it to you? You his boyfriend or what?” Leeteuk snorts.

“No, his roommate,” Kyuhyun simply replies.

“Well, damn, that’s really something,” Leeteuk says mockingly. “But you know? You interrupted my fun time with the redhead here,” Leeteuk says motioning with his head to the injured Hyukjae, “and I’m not finished with him yet,” he adds, slowly lifting his right hand.

Observing the ponytail man with his cold, calculating eyes, Kyuhyun is able to predict the man’s next move, therefore, he quickly extends his left hand forward and clenches his, previously open, palm into a fist.

At the same time Leeteuk swings his hand in Hyukjae’s direction sending wild, sharp as knives blades of wind at the redhead and just as the blow is to connect with Hyukjae’s flesh, a shield made of translucent ice appears around the kneeling man, protecting him from all directions, and thus, rendering the wind attack useless.

Leeteuk turns his head in Kyuhyun’s direction. “If your objective was to seriously piss me off then congratulations, you’ve just succeeded,” the leader of the Suju dorm states in a deadly low voice, something sinister shining in his piercing eyes.

“That was not my intention. It’s just that I won’t let you hurt him any further,” Kyuhyun calmly replies, his expression emotionless.

“And just why are you so intent on saving that lying bastard’s ass?” Leeteuk asks, irritation ringing in his voice.

“He’s not a lying bastard,” can be heard in the room and both, Kyukyun and Leeteuk, glance at the owner of the words, who has just entered the cafeteria.

“Yunho…fancy seeing you here,” Leeteuk says sarcastically. “But just what makes you think that he’s a saint?” the ponytail man asks pointing at Hyukjae.

“I never said he was a saint,” Yunho points out. “But I’ve already had the opportunity to get to know him a bit and I can tell that he’s neither a liar nor a bastard,” he states.

Leeteuk snorts. “How naïve…” he comments. “Well, whatever. I’ve already lost interest anyway.”

As Leeteuk and Yunho continue their “friendly” conversation, Hyukjae quietly remains in his spot, his back leaning against the wall, until the shield of ice around him starts gradually dispersing. Then, he notices a pale hand outstretched in front of him. Surprised, the redhead looks up to see his roommate offering him his hand to help him stand up off the floor and even though Kyuhyun’s face is as devoid of any emotion as ever, a warm feeling engulfs Hyukjae’s heart. Somehow, it was nice to know that even if they don’t seem to be getting along, his roommate is still willing to offer him a helping hand when Hyukjae is in need.

The redhead takes the offered hand and gasps inaudibly at its coldness and smoothness. A weird tingling sensation spreads over his fingers at the contact. The redhead isn’t sure whether the peculiar feeling coursing through his hand is the effect of his roommate’s ice-cold touch or perhaps something completely different.

Without a word, Kyuhyun slowly pulls Hyukjae up and starts leading the other man outside of the cafeteria, their hands still intertwined. Trying to keep up with Kyuhyun’s pace, however, Hyukjae stumbles a bit and crushes into the ice user, clutching the other man’s clothes to regain balance, his arms around his roommate’s waist. Embarrassed beyond belief, the redhead freezes in place, apprehensive to look up at Kyukyun’s face.

After a few seconds, and not receiving any reaction from Kyuhyun, Hyukjae finally decides to glance up at his roommate only to find him staring at him with his usual unreadable gaze.

“S-sorry…” Hyukjae stutters awkwardly while detaching himself from his roommate. Kyuhyun, however, remains silent and just continues staring at the redhead with his cold eyes.

After a moment, the ice user grabs Hyukjae’s left hand and wraps it around himself, at the height of his waist, simultaneously placing his right arm over the redhead’s shoulder, pulling his roommate closer.

Hyukjae’s eyes widen in surprise and puzzlement at the other man’s action. At the same time a shiver runs down his spine in response to the coolness radiating off of his roommate’s body. Strangely enough, a hot sensation spreads over his cheeks, though, it’s not really visible due to the fact that the redhead’s face is still covered in blood oozing from the cuts.

Just as Hyukjae’s about to ask what’s going on, Kyuhyun resumes their walk, holding the redhead firmly in his hold. Although, at first, Hyukjae is confused, soon, he realises that Kyuhyun’s reason for wrapping their arms in that particular way is to make sure that his, yet again injured, roommate doesn’t stumble, trip or crash into anything anymore.

Having realised that, Hyukjae dips his head down in slight embarrassment and yet, at the same time, a gentle smile makes its way onto his lips at the thought that even though his roommate appears to be rather cold, still, he’s not heartless. Being aware of that fact, as well as being in close proximity with the other man, causes the redhead to feel the weird, warm sensation in his chest once more.

Soon, the two men arrive at their shared room and Kyuhyun makes Hyukjae sit on his bed. Then, he disappears behind the bathroom door only to re-emerge a few seconds later, a first aid tool kit in hand.

Without a word Kyuhyun starts cleaning Hyukjae’s face and treating the wounds. Hyukjae winces when the ice user begins applying antiseptic onto the cuts, nevertheless, no sound escapes his lips. Instead, he shuts his eyes tight at the stinging, pulsating pain which is biting his skin, his face burning.

Even after Kyuhyun finishes treating Hyukjae’s wounds, the redhead still doesn’t open his eyes, the burning pain still very much present on his sensitive skin. The, he feels a pleasant, cooling sensation on his face. Surprised, he slowly opens his eyes and realises that the source of the mysterious, soothing feeling is actually Kyuhyun’s cold fingers which are pressed against his burning skin.

Hyukjae stares into Kyuhyun’s eyes for a few seconds before he lets his eyelids slowly close, his relaxed face leaning into his roommate’s soothing touch.

Kyuhyun, on the other hand, observes the redhead. This being the first time that someone has actually thoroughly accepted his ice cold touch.

After a few minutes, Kyuhyun’s fingers withdraw and Hyukjae’s hazy eyes flutter open.

“Take your shirt off,” the ice user says and Hyukjae’sw eyes grow as wide as saucers.

“Wh…What?” the redhead stutters in shock.

“Your shirt is stained with blood. Take it off and change,” Kyuhyun clarifies and Hyukjae turns crimson in embarrassment. Of course it’s because there’s blood on his shirt. Just what was he thinking about?

When the redhead finally snaps out of his thoughts, he notices that his roommate is heading for the door.

“Where are you going?” Hyukjae asks confused.

Kyuhyun glances back at his roommate. “Classes,” he replies succinctly.

“Then I’m going with you…” Hyukjae states and moves to get up, however, he stops short when he notices the intense glare that the ice user is sending his way.

“…or not,” the redhead says quietly and sits back down on his navy blue sheets. “I’ll just stay here and rest for today,” he decides and Kyuhyun’s frown disappears.

Shortly after, Hyukjae is alone in the room.
That's it for the 3rd chapter~
Sorry for taking so long.
Anywy, hope you liked it! ^.^
And comments are <3

cross-over, majimak insa university, big bang, ss501, dbsk, super junior, fanfiction, u-kiss

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