
Sep 13, 2011 12:05

Title: Blind
Pairing: Soohyun/Eli
Genre: Angst, romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Soohyun and Eli are best friends. Eli has a girlfriend. They all live happily…OK, maybe not all of them, but the point is that happiness doesn’t last forever…
Chapter: 8/?
Warning: I’m not a native speaker
Disclaimer: Nah, I still don’t own them.
AN: After the embarrassing situation with the zipper, the ‘fun time’ in the bathroom continues~ XD

Eli just stands there, in the middle of the bathroom, with his lips slightly parted. He can feel his cheeks has grown hot. After a few seconds, he finally takes off the remaining clothes and reaches his hands out to tentatively feel his way into the shower cubicle. Inside, he searches for the water tap and after finding it and turning it on, a cold sensation invades his senses as cool water runs down his body. The raven haired man hisses at the low temperature, a shiver running down his spine, and quickly switches to hot water. A pleasant sigh escapes Eli’s lips as warm drops hit his skin. He slowly extends his right hand to look for the shampoo and after taking a hold of it, he carefully pours some of its contents on his left palm and then massages it into his wet hair, forming a fluffy foam. The scent of oranges fills the air and Eli breathes in deeply, a content smile appearing on his face. After shampooing his raven locks, it is time to wash his body so the blind man feels for the soap that should be somewhere on his left hand-side. When his fingertips touch the small, rectangular object, he grabs it, lathers it in his palms and, running his hands all over his body, spreads the soapsuds over his warm, wet skin. Resting his left hand against the shower wall panels and letting the hot water pour over his figure, Eli finally allows his thoughts to wonder to the awkward situation from a few minutes ago. What the hell just happened?! I mean, sure, having your best buddy undo your jeans can, indeed, be a bit awkward, but...why was I so embarrassed? We’re both guys! It shouldn’t be a big deal to me! So why am I still thinking about it? Besides, there’s an even more important matter to consider...namely...HOLY HELL, ELI! YOU WERE ABOUT TO KISS YOUR BEST FRIEND!! Just what was I thinking?! There’s definitely something weird going on with me. When Soohyun was taking my shirt off I clearly felt excitement rising within me...His hot breath was driving my senses crazy. Was I anticipating something more to happen? Did I yearn for something to actually happen between us?...I...did. Why else would I lean forward to...kiss his, most probably soft, lips. And since when have I started imagining how his lips would feel against mine? It was as if I had been hypnotized. I couldn’t think of anything other than Soohyun and due to our close proximity, I could sense the warmth radiating off his body and somehow it was drawing me nearer, soothing me. Moreover, his gentle touch sent shivers of pleasure down my spine...I could barely resist the desire to reach out and have a feel of him as well, let my hands travel over his skin, caress it with my cold fingers…Shit. That’s it. There’s no denying it now. I’m attracted to my best friend...a man. Eli admits to himself lifting his head up and letting the warm water drops hit his face and rinse the shampoo from his raven hair.
Soohyun is waiting for Eli in front of the bathroom, his back leaning against the wall, when he hears a crash coming from the inside the room. Appalled, he bursts into the bathroom. “Eli, are you all right?! What happened?!” he exclaims in panic only to notice that the other man seems fine. The blonde lowers his head and closes his eyes, relief washing over him.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I think I accidentally knocked something down, though,” Eli replies.

Soohyun opens his eyes, glances at the floor and sure enough, he finds the cup with their toothbrushes scattered on the green tiles. “Yup, you knocked over our toothbrushes,” Soohyun informs looking up at the man in front of him and then his eyes widen, a crimson blush appearing on his face for Eli is wearing nothing but a dark violet towel wrapped loosely around his lean waist. The blonde can’t help but stare at the raven haired man’s exposed body, the glistening water drops running down his skin and wet hair clinging to his face. Ashamed of himself and his indecent behaviour, Soohyun quickly looks away. “I’ll take care of the cup and the toothbrushes,” he says bending to pick up the strewn objects. When he puts the fallen things aside, the blonde looks at the raven haired man and, to his horror, he notices that the other man is about to take a step forward. “No! Stop!” he exclaims, but it’s already too late.

Eli, who wanted to walk up closer to Soohyun, moves, he believes, in the other man’s direction, however; he stumbles over something laying on the tiles and, as a result, loses his balance. Then, it occurs to him. Damn, I forgot that I left my clothes on the floor. He curses in his mind as he extends his hands in front of him to lessen the impact of his impending fall. The “meeting” with the cold, hard tiles never comes into being, though. Instead, Eli finds himself wrapped into a firm embrace, which successfully holds him in place. The raven haired man releases a sigh of relief, glad that he avoided a few additional bruises. His state of being at ease is short-lived, though, because the warm hands on his bare, damp skin make him realize that he’s still wearing nothing but the dark violet towel.

The two men stand rooted in place, neither of them moving even an inch. Eli continues holding his hands on the both sides of the other man’s waist, somewhere around the blonde’s pelvic area, and Soohyun still has his shoulders wrapped around Eli, his palms resting on the raven haired man’s back.

Soohyun’s heart beats erratically in his rib cage. Oh…my…God…First the vicious zipper and now this…Why is fate playing with me like that? He wonders in his mind.

Cold water drops fall from Eli’s damp hair on Soohyun’s right shoulder, wetting the collar of his carelessly-left-undone, satin payamas shirt. The two men’s bare chests are touching and Soohyun breath hitches at the contact. The scent of oranges wafting from the other man’s raven tresses tempts the blonde’s senses. He subconsciously starts moving one of his hands up over the other man’s cool, smooth skin, enjoying the feel of it. Just what am I doing?! The blonde screams in his mind seconds later, quickly stopping his “little exploration”.

A shiver of pleasure runs down Eli’s spine at Soohyun’s soft touch. He can feel the blonde’s hot breath on the crook of his exposed neck. Deprived of his sight, the raven haired man experiences every sensation much more intensely. Soohyun’s tropical scent is luring him closer and he finds himself pressing tighter against other man’s figure, which goes unnoticed by the man in front of him, who’s brain is facing an overload. The blonde’s warm palms on his cold skin are driving Eli crazy and he has a strong urge to touch the blonde’s tanned flesh, run his hands all over his fit body. Eli brushes his thumb over the lower hem of the other man’s shirt, feeling the silky texture of the black cloth. Soon, though, his fingertips slip from the dark fabric and arrive at the smooth skin of the blonde’s lower abdomen. I’m definitely attracted to him, something is drawing me to him…Is it lust? Or is it love? Eli ponders in his mind as he resists the urge to turn his head and seek the other man’s lips.

Soohyun closes his eyes and takes a sharp intake of breath when he feels the raven haired man’s fingers on his bare flesh. Oh, God…Even though it’s an accidental touch, I still feel excited. I think I’m gonna seriously go insane. My self-control is running thin. If I don’t move away now, I may do something that I’ll surely regret later. I don’t want Eli to be disgusted with me. Soohyun muses in his head and, unwillingly, pulls away from the other man, completely missing a disappointed look on Eli’s face. “Ok, I’ll take you to your room,” the blonde says, gently taking Eli’s hand in his and guiding him towards the bathroom door. Seconds later, he feels the raven haired man’s fingers interwine with his and the blonde is stuck between being happy, and being angry at himself for still harbouring the unreasonable hope that someday they might be more best friends.

All too soon, the two men arrive at Eli’s room. Refusing to let go of the other man’s hand just yet, Soohyun decides to walk up to Eli’s wardrobe first, and pick the nightwear for him. “Here, your nightclothes,” the blonde says, handing the set of navy blue clothes to the other man, their fingers brushing slightly.

“Thanks,” Eli replies with a small smile on his face, enjoying their subtle touches that he would probably think nothing of before the accident. Who would have thought that my blindness would actually allow me to discover such feelings…he thinks to himself while the blonde is walking him, probably, to his bed. Soon, Eli is sat on the comfy bed and the time arrives for them to unwrap their interwined fingers. Soohyun slowly retracts his hand from the hold and Eli lets his fingertips slightly linger over the blonde’s before he finally lets go.

“Ok…rest well then…” Soohyun says, not really eager to leave the other man, but still heading for the door.

“Yeah, you too…” Eli replies and a few seconds later, he hears the sound of the door being opened and closed, the indication of the fact that he’s alone in his room.
Though it’s a bit late, this chapter is my birthday gift for happy_girl89~ Happy birthday, hun! ^_^ (There wouldn’t be an update otherwise because finishing my other story is my priority for now)
Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter~
PS. The next one will probably be in Soohyun’s P.O.V.~

soohyun/eli, fanfiction, u-kiss, blind

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