Heartache - END

Sep 20, 2011 03:54

Title: Heartache - END
Pairing: HaeHyuk (main), KangTeuk, ninja! KyuSung
Genre: Angst, romance
Rating: PG-13
Chapter: 13/13
Summary: Donghae says he loves Eunhyuk but Hyukjae knows it’s not true.
Warning: I’m not a native speaker
Disclaimer: They’re all my slaves~ XD

“Yes. I did…We’re in the hospital now,” the raven haired man says and Leeteuk’s heart stops.

The leader‘s eyes widen in horror and his hands start shaking to the point of it being difficult to hold the phone against his hear. “Wh...what? Hospital?” he asks, his voice quavering as his mind is flooded with immense worry.

“Hospital?!” The members exclaim, alarmed after hearing the word.

Donghae freezes. Oh my God! What happened?! Please, Lord, let Hyukkie be all right! The brunette panics in his mind, a cold shiver running down his spine. It’s all my fault! I hurt him so much and now…damn it all! I should have stopped him! If I had, he wouldn’t have been in hospital now! He blames himself clenching his fists in anguish, tears coming to his bloodshot eyes. Seconds later, he runs out the door not even bothering to take any protection from the rain.

“I’ll go after him.” Kyuhyun says in a calm voice and hurries after Donghae, determination shining in his eyes.

Shortly after Kyuhyun and Donghae leave the dorm, Leeteuk finishes his phone call with Yesung and leans on Kangin, who is standing right beside him.

“What did Yesung say?” The sturdy man asks wrapping his warm arms around their leader to give him comfort.

“He found him in the park by the lake. He was sitting on one of the benches, soaking wet from the heavy rain. When Yesung called out to him he stood up only to lose consciousness a moment later. Thankfully, Yesung managed to catch him before he hit the ground, but it turned out that Hyukjae was burning up so he wasted no time and took him to the hospital.

“Oh God, is he ok?”Ryeowook asks appaled.

“He should be…the hospital staff immediately took care of him. They said that Hyukjae still has a fever but if he takes medicine and rests in bed, he will soon recover. Yesung will drive him here,” Leeteuk explains, relieved that Hyukjae’s life is not in danger.

“Thank God,” Hangeng says raking his hair back with his hand and slumping on the couch, just like everyone, much calmer now that he knows that Hyukjae was not involved in an accident or anything of the sort.

“So we just have to patiently wait here for them,” Shindong muses aloud while taking a seat next to Hangeng.

“Luckily, Yesung found him. I don’t even want to think about what could happen if he hadn’t,” HeeChul says feeling a chill run down his spine at the mention of the possibility, other members nodding their heads in silent agreement.
“Just a little more Hyukkie and we’ll arrive at my car,” Yesung informs as the vehicle, which has been left at the hospital’s car park, appears in sight.

“Ok,” Hyukjae whispers leaning heavily on the raven haired man, who has his left arm around the dancer’s waist while his right hand is holding the redhead’s, which is draped around Yesung’s shoulder, for support.

Shortly after, the two men arrive at the car and Yesung opens the passenger’s door and helps Eunhyuk sit on the back seat. “Ok, now, I’ll quickly drive us to the dorm,” the raven haired man says having finished fastening the dancer’s seat belt.

“Uhum…” Hyukjae only hums in response as he’s already on the verge of falling into oblivion, the dreamland already waiting for his exhausted body.

Yesung observes the redhead for a short moment, saddened that the other man has been enduring such painful love. He then sees a steady rise and fall of the rapper’s chest indicating that Hyukjae is already asleep. Just as Yesung is about to close the door he hears his name being called somewhere from a distance. He looks around and notices Donghae and Kyuhyun running up to him.

“Where’s Hyukkie?! Is he all right?!” Donghae asks worried sick about the other man, his face as pale as a sheet.

Yesung quickly brings his index finger to his lips to silence the two anxious men. “Shh…he just fell asleep,” he whispers pointing to the sleeping redhead.

Donghae’s eyes fill with tears. “Hyukjae…” he says softly, immensely relieved that the other dancer is safe (meaning he wasn’t involved in any accident) and is just sleeping.

“So, what happened?” Kyuhyun asks being the calm and composed one during times of crisis, though not any less worried than the other members of the band. He loved Hyukjae as if he were his blood brother.

“He caught a really bad cold…he was just sitting on a bench in the park and letting the heavy rain drench him to the bone…” the owner of the husky voice trails off, his sad eyes falling on the curled up form slumbering on the backseat of his car. “I immediately took him to the hospital, he received the treatment and was released. Now, he just has to rest and take medicine to get rid of the fever,”Yesung explains.

Upon hearing about Hyukjae sitting alone in the park, exposed to the cold wind and rain, Donghae’s heart bleeds in agony and guilt.

“Get in, I’ll take us all to the dorm,” Yesung says and then notices that Donghae is already sitting beside Eunhyuk, his eyes looking at the redhead with such tenderness Yesung was sure he has never seen it on the other man’s face, not even when he was with Chae Won.

The owner of the husky voice closes the back door and leans against the car releasing a deep breath. “Gosh, I was so worried…” the man admits wrapping his arms in front of his chest and closing his eyes, relief written all over his face. He then feels a pair of arms lock him in a warm embrace.

“Me too, hyung, me too…” Kyuhyun says closing his eyes as well. They stand like that for a while, taking comfort in each other’s warmth, until Yesung, somewhat reluctantly, brakes the hug.

“Ok, let’s go,” the raven haired man says and the two get into the vehicle, Yesung behind the steering wheel and Kyuhyun next to him, on the passenger’s seat. Soon, the car is on the way to their dorm.

He looks exhausted…but he sleeps peacefully…Donghae thinks to himself as he brushes aside red strands of hair that have fallen over Eunhyuk’s closed eyes. The moment he saw the other dancer sleeping on the backseat a few minutes ago, he forgot all about his surroundings, the only thing that mattered to him was the man before him. “Hyukjae, please, forgive me,” Donghae whispers almost inaudibly, tears clouding his vision as he extends his hand to gently touch the other man’s face. “You are my everything,” he says quietly, caressing the redhead’s cheek. Then, he moves closer and tenderly kisses the other man’s forehead and shortly after, envelops him in a warm, comfortable hug, letting the redhead’s head rest on his shoulder, unwilling to let go of him even for a second for only feeling Hyukjae next to him could make his heart feel at ease.

Yesung glances at his back seat mirror and sees as Donghae, with his eyes closed, is holding Eunhyuk in his arms. The raven haired man then returns his attention to the road again, his expression unreadable.

Kyuhyun, having also seen the scene from the backseat, looks intently at Yesung and wonders what the other man is thinking.

Soon, the ride is over. “Ok, we’re here,” Yesung informs parking his car in front of their dorm.

“Hyukkie, wake up,” Donghae says, gently shaking the redhead to wake him up.

Hyukjae’s eyes slowly flutter open and he stares confusedly at the other dancer, his sight still unfocused.

“Hey…” Donghae says in a greeting, smiling gently at Eunhyuk. “Let’s get out of the car,” he adds seconds later taking the other man’s hand in his.

When Hyukjae’s cloudy mind finally clears up his eyes widen and he quickly looks away retracting his hand from Donghae’s reach. He struggles to step out of the vehicle on his own but it turns out to be too much of a challenge for him, his body lacking physical strength due to the fever. “Yesung hyung…” he calls seeking help from the older man.

“I’m here, I’m here,” the raven haired man says already heading to Hyukjae’s side.

Donghae’s heart sinks. He lowers his head and clenches his hands into fists as hot, silent tears make their way down his cheeks.

Yesung helps Hyukjae get out of the car and the two start walking to the dorm with Kyuhyun and Donghae following behind.

Inside the dorm, Siwon paces nervously around the living room, Heechul anxiously plays with his hair and the other members sit restlessly while waiting for Eunhyuk’s return. Upon hearing the door being opened, all eyes fly in their direction in anticipation of seeing the person with shiny, red hair.

“Hyuk!” Leeteuk exclaims running up to the feverish man, the others right behind him.

“I’m…fine…guys…” Eunhyuk pants out, showing a small smile to ease his band mates’ worry.

Ryeowook looks at the redhead’s flushed face with his hands balled into fists and watery eyes, his lower lip trembling. “Hyukjae, you idiot!” he shouts. “Why didn’t you take, at least, an umbrella with you?! I was so worried that something really bad happened to you, you fool!” the eternal maknae cries and hugs the other man real tight.

“Sorry…Wookie, “ the dancer whispers closing his eyes.

“Ok, let’s take you to bed,” Yesung says and slowly walks Eunhyuk to his room.

Relieved that Hyukjae seems fine, Sungmin glances at Donghae, who quietly follows after Yesung, his head lowered and bangs covering his eyes. The pink loving man stares at the other for a few seconds, but says nothing and then disappears behind the bathroom door.

Yesung helps the redhead lie on the bed and covers him with a green duvet. Leeteuk sits on its edge and pets the dancer’s hair soothingly.

Soon, Sungmin comes into the room, holding a thermometer in his hand. “Let’s take your temperature, Hyuk,” he says with a warm smile and puts the small device under the rapper’s armpit.

“And I brought water for you to wash the medicine down with it,” Hankyung informs entering the room and putting the glass of water on the bedside table.

“Thanks, you guys,” Eunhyuk whispers, giving his band mates a weak, but by all means genuine smile.

“You’re our precious monkey after all,” Heechul says with a cheerful expression on his face and Eunhyuk chuckles in response.

“Ok, time for taking medication,” Leeteuk states reaching for the bag with the cold medicines. He hands the redhead the pills as well as the glass of water.

Kyuhyun glances at Donghae’s bed and finds the man sitting on top of it, with his back against the wall. His bloodshot eyes are fixed on the redhead and a sorrowful expression visible on his face. Sigh…I feel sorry for you Donghae, but you brought it upon yourself. Your pain is nothing compared to what Hyuk has been enduring all these months. I think you deserved it, but even though I won’t help you, I still hope that you’ll be able to come up with a plan to win Hyuk back because I can tell that you truly do love him. Kyuhyun ponders in his mind.

“All right, now rest well, Hyukjae. We’ll leave the room so that we won’t disturb your sleep,” Siwon says putting a cold pack on the redhead’s forehead, a gentle smile playing on his lips.

Eunhyuk, who’s been fighting against his heavy eyelids shutting, nods his head tiredly, showing Siwon a grateful and pleasant expression, and soon enough, he slips into oblivion.

“Let’s leave then,” Leeteuk states getting up from the edge of the bed, and heads in the direction of the door, other members following right behind him. All except for Donghae, who hasn’t moved an inch from his spot on the bed.

“Are you going, Donghae?” Yesung asks, glancing back over his shoulder and holding the door handle, him being the last person to leave the room apart from the dancer sitting on his bed.

“No. I’ll watch over him,” the man answers not taking his eyes off the sleeping redhead.

“Ok,” Yesung says and disappears, closing the door behind him. “Sigh…why do they have to be mixed up in such a difficult situation?” he asks aloud, closing his eyes for a few seconds and not expecting an answer.

“Because people are bound to make mistakes. Sometimes they are small and insignificant ones, but at times they are so serious and cause so much pain that it is insanely hard to forget about them, or make up for them. And Donghae’s mistakes, unfortunately, belong to the grave ones,” a deep voice replies and Yesung looks at its owner, who stands on the right side of Eunhyuk’s door, his back leaning against the wall.

“Kyuhyun…” the raven haired man says, slightly astonished at the other man’s presence and words, his surprised reaction not showing on his face, though.

“Come, hyung, let’s drink some lemon tea together,” the maknae suggests taking Yesung’s hand and gently pulling him to the kitchen.

“Fine,” the owner of the husky voice chuckles and lets the younger man take him to the kitchen.
Donghae went to sleep at 3 am. He has been wiping the redhead’s sweat and changing the cold packs because he wanted to make sure that Eunhyuk’s fever hasn’t risen. He’s been sitting on the edge of the other man’s bed, looking at him and gently petting his soft, crimson hair until he decided that it was time for him to go to sleep.

The next morning, Donghae is awoken by a loud ‘thump’ sound. He quickly looks to Eunhyuk’s bed and sees the other man on the floor. “Hyukkie!” He exclaims scrambling from his sheets and appears instantly at the redhead’s side. “What happened?” Donghae asks grabbing Eunhyuk’s hand with one of his own and wrapping the other one around the dancer’s waist to help him up.

“Don’t touch me!” Hyukjae shouts struggling to shake the other man’s hands off of him.

Donghae’s heart breaks into pieces and it becomes hard to breathe; however, he doesn’t release the other man from his hold.

“Are you deaf?! I told you to let me go!” Eunhyuk exclaims, still striving to free himself, but his attempts turn out to be completely futile as he still has a low level of strength due to the cold.

“I’m not going to leave you like that! Even if you curse me, hit me or whatever, I’ll still take care of you,” Donghae states not loosening his hold over the other man. “Why did you get up from the bed?” he calmly asks shortly after.

“Because I don’t remember having a catheter attached to my bladder,” Hyukjae replies coldly, glaring at the other dancer.

“Oh…right. I’ll take you to the toilet then,” Donghae says with finality in his voice, pulling Eunhyuk up and walking him to the lavatory. He waits for the other man to finish his business and then takes him back their room and lays him on the bed.

Hyujkae lies on his side, his back facing the other man, and closes his eyes. Why won’t he just leave me alone?! All’s already been said and done! Isn’t he aware that his presence brings me pain? Please, Donghae, don’t be so caring…I don’t want your pity…it’s killing me… he ponders in his mind and then he hears Donghae’s retreating footsteps and the sound of the door being opened and then closed. Did I say that out loud? No matter, what’s important is that he left.

Eunhyuk isn’t left alone in their shared room for long though, for about 3 minutes later, the door open again and the other dancer is back in the room.

“Hyukkie, I brought you something to eat,” Donghae announces walking up to Eunhyuk’s bed and putting a tray on the bedside table.

“I’m not hungry,” the redhead replies icily, not looking at the other man.

“But you have to eat, your body needs nourishment,” Donghae insists.

“How the hell would you know what my body needs?!” Hyukjae exclaims angrily and the other dancer’s heart gives a painful squeeze.

“I can see it,” Donghae explains softly, his head lowered.

“Oh, really? Since when? I thought you were blind, too busy thinking about Chae Won to actually notice what I feel or need,” the redhead spits darkly.

“Hyukkie, please…” Donghae whispers, the feelings of guilt and regret piercing his soul.

“Please what?! Just go away Donghae!” Hyukjae yells finally glancing at the other man, his eyes cold and unwavering.

“I will not leave. Never. Hyukjae, I’m begging you, just eat something,” Donghae says looking at Eunhyuk with a silent plea in his eyes.

“If I eat it, will you finally shut up and vanish?” Hyukjae asks viciously and the other dancer’s heart is torn.

I deserved it. Donghae thinks to himself, closing his eyes in pain. “I will shut up, but I will not scram,” he states firmly.

“What the fuck, Donghae?!” the redhead exclaims not believing his own ears.
After uttering a few harsh words, Hyukjae unwillingly eats the light breakfast and eventually falls asleep. A few minutes later, there is a knock on the door and Leeteuk comes into the room.

“Is he asleep?” the leader whispers, pointing his forefinger in the redhead’s direction.

“Yeah…” Donghae answers. He’s been sitting on his bed and watching Hyukujae sleep. “Leeteuk hyung…thank you for letting me stay close to him and take care of him. I know you could have arranged it so that I wouldn’t be able to stay near him,” the rapper says glancing at the leader, a small smile of gratitude on his lips. He then turns his head back to continue observing the redhead.

“Donghae, you don’t have to thank me. I did what I thought was right,” Leeteuk replies calmly. “Ok, I wanted to check up on him, but since he’s asleep, I’ll come back later. Take good care of him, Donghae,” the leader says reaching for the door handle.

“You know I will,” the dancer replies, sincerity shining in his eyes.

Leeteuk nods his head and walks out of the room.
Hyukjae’s been sleeping for about an hour when Donghae hears him mumble something in his slumber. The dancer gets up from his bed and nears the redhead to try and decipher what the other man is saying. He kneels in front of Hyukjae’s bed and slightly leans in to hear the words better.

“Hurts…so much…” the redhead whimpers, tears forming at the corners of his eyes.

Hurts?! Where?! Donghae starts to panic.


The brunette’s eyes widen and his heart gives a hard lurch in his chest, a bad premonition.

“Why can’t you love me?” the redhead mumbles, the tears falling from his closed eyes and a pained expression on his face.

A burning ache hits Donghae’s heart. I do love you. I was just too fucking stupid to notice it sooner…

“No…please…don’t say it… her name…not while we’re…it’s killing me…”

The brunette clenches his shaking hands into fists in an attempt to stop his impending tears, but his efforts are futile. He rests his elbows on the edge of the redhead’s bed and buries his wet face in his palms. I’m sorry…I’m so sorry, Hyukkie…I now know just how deeply hurt you were by me. You have no idea how much I regret it. I’d give everything to turn back time…please, forgive me...I’m begging you, just don’t leave me…I’m nothing without you…I love you…
Sometime later, Kangin decides to pop into Eunhyuk’s room to check how the other man’s doing. When he opens the door, the sight before him is that of Hyukjae sleeping in his bed and Donghae slumbering on its edge as in the brunette is sitting on the floor with his arms on the side of the bed and his head resting on top of them. Kangin just smiles faintly and leaves the room.
“Didn’t you say that you were going to see how Hyukjae was feeling?” Leeteuk asks from his bed as he watches Kangin enter their shared room.

“Yeah, I went there, but the guys were asleep,” the sturdy man replies walking up to the leader’s bed and taking a seat beside the man, the corners of his lips lifting upwards.

“What’s with that expression? Did something good happen?” Leeteuk asks staring at the other man.

“No, nothing in particular. I just think that Hyukjae and Donghae still have a chance,” Kangin explains.

“That’s what I believe too,” Leeteuk admits, smiling warmly and taking the well-built man’s hand.

“Well then we share this point of view,” Kangin grins. Shortly after, he leans in and captures the leader’s lips in a sweet, gentle kiss.
Kyuhyun enters the kitchen and sees Yesung preparing dinner.

“Want me to help?” the maknae asks, leaning casually against the kitchen counter.

There is a long pause after which Yesung blinks. “Dear Lord, the world must be coming to an end…Kyuhyun’s offering his help with making dinner,” the raven haired man says bringing his palm to cover his parted lips in fake astonishment.

“Don’t push it,” the younger man warns, glaring daggers at the owner of the husky voice.

“Ok, ok,” Yesung chuckles. “And sure, some help would be nice,” he admits with a soft smile on his face.

“Right…so what do you want me to do?” Kyuhyun asks.

“You can cook some rice and cut the onions,” the owner of the husky voice suggests, handing Kyuhyun a knife.

“Ok,” the maknae agrees and starts chopping the first onion. The two men quietly do their tasks before Kyuhyun breaks the silence with a question. “Yesung…do you think Hyukjae and Donghae will be together?” the younger man asks not looking up and continuing his activity.

“Hmm…I can tell that Donghae truly loves Hyukjae from the way he takes care of him and doesn’t want to leave his side even for a moment…and Hyukjae…even though he’s cold and harsh towards Donghae, it’s just his way of protecting himself. Hyuk’s not the kind of person who can fall out of love just like that. Whether or not they end up together, it all depends on Hyukjae and if he is able to forgive and believe in Donghae once more or not,” Yesung replies, a sad smile appearing on his lips.
A faint noise from outside rouses Hyukjae from his sleep. The redhead’s eyes slowly flutter open and his gaze falls on the man slumbering on the edge of his bed. Hyukjae quietly watches Donghae for some time. He slowly extends his hand to touch the other man’s soft hair, but before his fingers can reach the shiny strands, he retracts his hand and looks away.
A few days later, partially thanks to Donghae’s constant care, Eunhyuk makes a full recovery. The members are eating their breakfast while talking about some random things.

“Ryeowook, have you ever thought of growing your hair long?” Shindong asks, stuffing a sausage into his mouth.

“…No, why?” the eternal maknae replies, puzzled by the unexpected question.

“Nothing, I just thought that long hair would look good on you. Like that wig you wore during Super show 2, you know?” Shindong answers casually.

Ryeowook’s jaw drops in bewilderment. “Wha? Ok, if you’re at it, why won’t you ask Kyuhyun to grow his hair long or Kangin to grow 2 braids, huh?” he asks with slight irritation in his voice and Kangin and Kyuhyun glance at Shindong, the look in their eyes clearly saying ‘try that and you won’t see any food for a week’.

“Uh, forget I asked that,” Shindong laughs nervously, holding his sausage protectively, earning himself a fit of laughter from other members.

“Um, can someone pass me the salt?” Hyukjae asks, still giggling at Shingong’s reaction.

“Sure,” Siwon replies, extending his hand to lift the seasoning and give it to the redhead, however; someone snatches it before him. Siwon blinks.

“Here,” Donghae says handing Hyukjae the salt-cellar.

“…Thanks…” Eunhyuk says, a bit surprised at the other man’s behavior.

As the breakfast continues, the redhead feels thirsty so he reaches out for the jug with the pineapple juice to refill his empty glass. It turns out, though, that Donghae beats him to it and is already pouring the juice into the redhead’s glass. Hyukjae stares at the other dancer with a mixture of shock and confusion written on his face. Donghae just smiles warmly at him as he moves the refilled glass in front of the astonished man.
In the evening, Eunhyuk feels like watching tv so he makes his way to the living room. There, he finds Yesung sitting on the couch and staring at the tv screen where ‘The game of thrones’ is playing.

“Mind if I join?” the redhead asks with a smile.

Yesung looks up. “Of course not, Hyuk. Come sit,” the raven haired man replies, releasing a chuckle and patting the spot beside him.

Hyukjae gladly complies and takes his seat beside the older man. Shortly after, Donghae appears in the room and sits by the redhead, making him sit in the middle, between himself and Yesung. Hyukjae glances at the raven haired man and the owner of the husky voice just smiles reassuringly. As the three men watch the medieval fantasy series, Eunhyuk gets thirsty so he hoists himself up from the couch.

“I’m going to bring myself a bottle of mineral water from the kitchen,” he says and leaves the living room just to return a minute later with his cheeks slightly tinted pink.

“Didn’t you say you were going to bring yourself some water?”Yesung asks, seeing that the redhead came back empty-handed.

“Uh, yeah…But come to think of it, I’m not that thirsty so I just walked back here,” Hyukjae explains with a nervous smile as he sits back on his seat.

“What are you saying? If you want something to drink, I’ll go and get it for you,” Donghae says lifting himself up and heading for the kitchen.

“No! Wait! I’m really not that thirsty!” Hyukjae exclaims anxiously.

“…” Donghae stops and just stares at the redhead, clearly not buying his excuse.

“Look, just don’t go to the kitchen, ok?” Hyukjae says averting his gaze to the side as the thought of what he’s seen in the kitchen pops into his mind…Kangin pinning Leeteuk against the cold refrigerator, one of the leader’s hands tangled into Kangin’s hair, the other one travelling under the sturdy man’s undone shirt…Kangin’s arm around Leeteuk’s waist, pulling him closer…the two men absorbed in a heavy make-out session…the images in his head cause a faint blush to appear on Eunhyuk’s cheeks once more.

Yesung chuckles to himself. Judging from his reaction, the raven haired man already has an idea of just what the redhead might have seen in the kitchen.

“Where are you going?” Eunhyuk asks noticing that Donghae is walking to the door.

“You’re thirsty, right? Since I can’t go to the kitchen, I’ll just go buy you something to drink in the nearby store,” the brunette explains.

“What? Why? I already said that I’m not that thirsty so stop joking and just sit,” Hyukjae says, shocked at the other man’s actions, however not letting it show on his face.

“I know you, Hyukjae. If you say that you’re thirsty, then you really are thirsty. I’ll be quick,” Donghae says with a gentle smile and disappears behind the door, leaving the dorm afterwards.

Eunhyuk stares at the closed door for a few seconds before looking down at his hands that are resting on his lap. A soft smile forms on his lips as his cheeks gain a pink tint to them, however; soon ,the smile turns into a frown and the redhead’s hands clench into fists. I hate myself. Why can’t this stupid heart of mine just forget about him? Why does it have to beat faster when he’s around? Why does it still ache to be with him? I really hate it...And I hate Donghae for being so caring and affectionate…I just can’t bring myself to believe in his sincerity…I don’t want to get hurt again, my heart won’t be able to take it…Hyukjae thinks to himself. Then, he feels a warm hand rest over one of his clenched fists. He looks up to find Yesung smiling warmly at him.

“Hyuk, it will be all right,” the owner of the husky voice reassures, giving the redhead’s hand a gentle squeeze and Eunhyuk relaxes a bit, he wants to believe it.

A few minutes later, Donghae comes back with a plastic bag in his hand.

“Here, for you,” the brunette says handing the bag to Eunhyuk and taking a seat beside the man.

“Thanks,” Hyukjae simply replies, not sparing the other man a second look. The redhead opens the bag and sees a bottle of his favourite mineral water and a strawberry milk inside. A warm feeling enters his heart, though he hides it deep inside himself so that it won’t show on his face. He’s been desperately trying to forget about the brunette and his burning love for the other man. He’s trying to protect his already scarred heart from bleeding again so he can’t let himself be swayed by Donghae’s kindness. Hyukjae then glances at the other dancer to find the other man staring at him. “What? Did you expect me to fall to my knees and thank you, the oh, so great and generous Donghae, for bringing the drinks for me?” the redhead asks icily as he casually sips on the strawberry milk, his eyes dark and cold.

“No…I didn’t,” the brunette replies, sadness carved into his features. I just wanted to see your smile…
A few days later, Eunhyuk walks into the living room, where most of the members are sitting, and waves two pieces of paper in front of him. “I got 2 tickets to the cinema, who wants to go with me?” he asks cheerfully and Sungmin opens his mouth to say that he’d like to go, but he doesn’t get the chance because someone beats him to it.

“Me! I’ll go with you!” Donghae offers eagerly, a hopeful look in his eyes.

“Then, why don’t you go?” Hyukjae says walking up to Donghae. “But without me,” he adds thrusting the tickets into the other man’s chest and leaves the room.
A month passes and the guys have just finished their dance practice for the day. The members are heading to their van and Eunhyuk is walking beside Donghae on the sidewalk. The brunette slowly extends his hand to gently touch the other man’s and intertwine their little fingers, however; upon feeling the soft touch, Hyukjae quickly pulls his hand away and starts walking faster, leaving a dejected Donghae behind.
“Hyukjae…it’s cold in here…can I sleep with you in your bed? It will be warmer for the both of us…” Donghae asks standing by the other man’s bed, a pleading look in his eyes.

“Fuck off, Donghae,” the redhead replies, glaring at the brunette, he then turns his back at the other dancer, snuggles deeper into his green duvet and closes his eyes in an attempt to quickly fall asleep.

Donghae’s heart gives a painful squeeze at the redhead’s words. He quietly crawls under his navy blue sheets, silent tears of rejection falling down his cheeks. Even after 6 months he still refuses to accept me…but I won’t give up! I certainly am not going to make the same mistake. He’s everything to me and I’ll give my all to win him back. I love him so much…I just can’t lose him. I wish that, someday, he’ll let me make him happy so I’ll wait for him as long as it takes. Donghae ponders in his mind, his determination unwavering, then, he closes his wet eyes and falls into dreamland soon after.
Two days later, Super Junior is taking part in a show and at the end of it, the members are asked to choose a song from whichever of their released albums and sing at least one line of it.

“Ok, Ryeowook-sii, it’s your turn now,” the lady host of the show announces and the eternal maknae brings a microphone to his lips.

“She wants it~ Wohoh~Yeah~” he sings and the hostess' and all the members’ eyes widen.

“Um, ok…thank you, Ryeowook-ssi,” the woman says nervously. “Now, it’s time for Kangin-ssi,” she adds turning in the sturdy man’s direction.

“You know I wanna start a fight, I wanna-” Kangin starts, but the lady host quickly cuts him off. “Ok, that’s enough, Kangin-ssi, thank you”.

“I’ll go next,” Yesung offers and starts singing. “Just grab it~ grab it-“

“Thank you, Yesung-ssi!” the woman interrupts, a faint, pink blush appearing on her face. Yesung just stares at her, but then his eyes grow as big as saucers at the possible implication of his lyrics that the woman probably had in mind. “Kyuhyun-ssi, your turn,” she states, looking at the youngest member.

“Ok,” Kyuhyun nods. “I’m a slave for you~” he sings and the hostess clears her throat.

“All right, I think there’s no need for more, Kyuhyun-ssi. So, now, Shindong-ssi?”

“Sure,” the man agrees and begins rapping. “Shit man, I do feel so sorry, ‘bout to say something - what, uh-”

“Thank you! That would be enough, Shingong-ssi,” the hostess assures anxiously. “How about you go now, Leeteuk-ssi?” she suggests, a pleading look that says ‘please, choose something ordinary’ shining in her eyes.

“I’m going to perform only three words. Sorry, sorry, sorry…” the leader sings with an apologetic look on his face and the hostess just smiles in understanding…and relief.

“Ok, Eunhyuk-ssi, would you mind singing next?” she asks turning to the dancer.

“Nope, not at all,” he answers and starts his song of choice. “My love, my kiss, my heart~”. The show crew are quite surprised for they expected the redhead to start rapping. “One love, one kiss, to my heart~” the dancer continues and the studio falls silent. “Last love, last kiss, last dream~” Hyukjae sings as everyone listens intently to his voice. “Good bye, my love, my kiss~” the redhead closes his eyes. Soon, he finishes the song and when he looks around, he notices that most of the people have tears in their eyes. “Um, thank you,” he utters, a bit embarrassed.

“Right, thank you Eunhyuk-ssi,” the hostess says, wiping her wet cheeks. “So now Donghae-ssi, please,” she states glancing at the other dancer, who just nods his head and begins his song.

“The loneliness of nights alone, the search for strength to carry on, my every hope has seemed to die, my eyes had no more tears to cry~” Donghae starts. “Then, like the sun shining up above, you surrounded me with your endless love~” his gaze falls on Hyukjae, “Cause all the things I couldn’t see, are now so clear to me~” he continues, staring intensely at the other man. “You are my everything, nothing your love won’t bring, my life is yours alone, the only love I’ve ever known~” he sings and the redhead looks away, avoiding the brunette’s burning gaze. He takes a deep breath to calm his erratically beating heart as the other man continues with the song. “Your spirit pulls me through, when nothing else will do, every night I pray, on a bended knee, that you will always be, my everything~” Donghae voices catching the other man’s eyes again and this time not letting the redhead escape his ardent stare. “You’ve opened up my heart to feel, the kind of love that’s truly real~” the brunette sings, pouring all his feelings into the lyrics. “You’re the breath of life in me, the only one that sets me free, and you have made my soul complete, for all time~” he ends, sincerity ringing in his soft voice.

The studio is quiet for a few seconds, Eunhyuk and Donghae just looking at each other.

“Wow, that was some fan service, Donghae. The fans will be ecstatic,” Shindong says, though he perfectly knows that it wasn’t any fan service, they were Donghae’s genuine feelings.

“True,” the hostess giggles. “Anyway, thank you Donghae-ssi. I think it’s time to finish our program so till next time everyone!” the woman announces waving her hand to the video camera as the show comes to the end.
The day passes by quickly and Hyukjae is taking a bath before going to sleep. Donghae…what the hell was he thinking?! But…I have to admit that it was…pleasant…I felt…special…Was he sincere, though? Well, it’s been half a year already…and he still hasn’t given up on me…Does he really…love me? Should I take the risk and trust him once more? the redhead ponders in his mind as he soaks in the hot water, the aroma of fresh strawberries soothing his senses.
The next evening, after their busy schedule, the tired boys are driving back to their dorm in their van. Donghae managed to sit beside Eunhyuk and now, the brunette is observing the other dancer, who is sitting by the window, his head resting against the back seat, and watching the quickly changing night scenery with lidded eyes. Donghae slowly extends his right hand and gently lays it over the other man’s. He sees Hyukjae freeze at the soft touch, the redhead doesn’t pull away, though, and Donghae feels like, any second, his heart might explode from happiness.
All too soon, the drive to the dorm ends and the brunette is left in the van with his hand still enveloped in the redhead’s warmth from just a few seconds ago, before the other man quickly got out of the vehicle. Donghae closes his eyes as a blissful smile appears on his face. Just then a signal of a new text message can be heard, snapping the dancer from his state of contentment. He takes out his phone from his pocket and looks at the screen.

[From: Chae Won]
[The message: Hi, Donghae. I’m really sorry for what I’ve done to you. Can we start over? I still love you…]

The brunette stares at his cell for a while. He, then, grins and presses the ‘call’ button. “Hi, Chae Won…”
The next day after breakfast, Eunhyuk wants to watch some DVD so after tidying up his room a bit, he comes out into the corridor and starts walking in the direction of the living room.

Donghae, who has been looking for the redhead, notices him in the hallway. He smiles, but then, his eyes widen as he notices something glittering hanging horizontally just above the floor surface. “Wait! Hyukjae!” he exclaims gesturing with his hands for the other man to stop. It is, however; too late and the other man stumbles over the taut fishing line outstretched a few centimetres above the floor.

Hyukjae closes his eyes tight in anticipation of the impending fall, but instead of the cold, hard floor, a pair of arms envelop him in a warm, firm hug, that successfully holds him in place. Hyukjae doesn’t move, he lets his hands stay on the sides of Donghae’s waist, gently holding onto the fabric of the other dancer’s white shirt, his head positioned in the crook of the brunette’s neck. Those familiar, strong arms make him feel safe.

Donghae holds the redhead close. He missed having the other man in his arms…feel his body against his…he doesn’t want to release him any time soon. The addictive scent of strawberries draws the brunette even nearer…

Eunhyuk can feel Donghae’s warmth permeating through his dark red tee as well as the brunette’s hot breath on his nape. The redhead shivers.

One of Donghae’s hands travels up Hyukjae’s back to entangle itself into the man’s soft, crimson hair. The other one stays on the redhead’s waist, pulling him closer. The brunette is glad that the other man doesn’t resist and allows his touch.

Hyukjae looks up at Donghae and meets the other man’s dark, burning gaze.

“Hyuk…” the brunette whispers, his voice thick with desire, as he slowly leans closer, nearing the other dancer’s flushed face.

Hyukjae feels Donghae’s minty breath on his lips and, as his hands hold tighter onto the brunette’s shirt, his eyes slowly close.

Just as Donghae is about to claim the redhead’s luscious, slightly opened, pink lips, the sound of the doorbell reverberates throughout the dorm and, startled, Hyukjae jumps away.

“I’m going to the living room,” the redhead says and quickly flees from the corridor.

Slightly disappointed, Donghae watches Eunhyuk’s retreating back with longing in his eyes. Soon though, the brunette follows the other man into the living room where, as it turns out, almost all the members have gathered. Hyukjae is sitting on the couch by the window together with Yesung, Kyuhyun, Leeteuk, Hankyung and Siwon. Donghae walks up to them and takes a seat beside the redhead, whose cheeks are tinged with a light shade of pink.
Upon hearing the doorbell, Ryeowook goes to open the door. On his way, he ponders on how, when he was passing by Donghae, he heard the brunette mutter something about hating the stupid doorbell. “I wonder what it was all about,” the eternal maknae muses aloud as he finally arrives at the door.
“No! You can’t go in! We don’t want you here!” Ryeowook’s indignant voice floats into the living room, surprising the members.

“Donghae oppa! I came to talk with you!” Chae Won says as she appears in the living room and upon seeing her, everyone’s eyes widen in horror.

“What the fuck is she doing here?!” Heechul asks angrily, disgust clear as day on his face.

“Oh, Heechul oppa~ How cold of you~” the girl says faking being hurt. “I came to talk with Donghae oppa about us getting back together,” she explains.

Hyukjae’s heart stops. What did she say? Getting back together? The redhead repeats in his head as his hands, that have been resting on his lap, start trembling.

“As we promised, I’m here, so can we go talk in private?” Chae Won asks smiling brightly at Donghae.

“You told her to come here?!” Sungmin asks, not believing his own ears.

“I did,” the brunette simply replies and Sungmin opens his mouth to lash at the dancer, but the other man glares at him, a warning flashing in his eyes, and Sungmin closes his mouth, puzzled by the brunette’s strange behaviour.

Ugh…I feel sick…I can’t believe this is happening… Donghae invited her here to talk about their getting back together…Hyukjae thinks to himself, hot tears coming to his eyes. So Donghae was just playing with me again…The dancer’s heart shatters into pieces. God, I’m so stupid! And I actually wanted to give him another chance! I wanted to believe him! I wanted to believe in his love for me! I really am an idiot! Hyukjae screams in his mind while an excruciating pain crushes his soul. He tries to get up from the couch, but Donghae doesn’t let him. The brunette blocks him by extending one of his hands in front of the redhead, more or less around the level of his waist area, successfully holding him in place. Why are you doing this to me? Do you want me to see how you make up with her? You’re really cruel, Donghae. The rapper shuts his eyes tight in sorrow, bitter tears sliding down his cheeks.

Not being able to tolerate the horrible situation any longer, Kangin makes a move to stand up, however; Leeteuk grabs him by the shirt and shakes his head sideways, signaling that Kangin shouldn’t interfere so the sturdy man unwillingly sits back down, a frown on his face.

“I did invite you here, so if you want to say something to me, say it now,” Donghae states, looking the girl in the eyes.

“Here?!” She asks, shocked by the brunette’s words.

“Yes, here,” Donghae confirms.

“I can’t believe it!” Chae Won exclaims in irritation. “So, um, I know that I hurt you by leaving you without any apparent reason, but I truly regret it. Please forgive me. I love you oppa,” she recites.

After hearing the girl’s speech, Donghae takes Eunhyuk’s hand and gets up pulling the tear-stricken redhead with him. He walks up to Chae Won, with Hyukjae right beside him, and stares at the girl. “You have no idea how happy I am that you texted me the other day,” the brunette starts, squeezing gently Hyukjae’s trembling hand. “Because now, I’m able to prove whom I truly love with all my heart,” he finishes and crushes his lips against the surprised redhead’s in a slow, passionate kiss, his arms wrapping around the other dancer’s waist, pulling him closer against his strong body.

Chae Won’s eyes grow as big as saucers. “Wha? What’s the meaning of this, Donghae?! You chose HIM over ME?! A MAN over ME?!” Chae Won asks angrily.

“I’d choose him over you any time, any day. He’s the one I truly love, not you. So could you, please, just leave already?” Danghae says, unwillingly detaching himself from the flushed redhead’s sweet, soft lips.

“You bastard! I won’t forget this, Lee Donghae!” the furious girl yells, slams the door behind her, and hurriedly leaves the dorm.

“Uh, Donghae…are you sure?” Hyukjae asks, gazing into the other man’s eyes.

Yes, I’m sure. I’ve never been more certain of anything in my entire life,” the brunette assures. He then envelops the other dancer in his warm, strong embrace, sliding one of his hands into the redhead’s soft crimson strands as he leans closer, his warm breath faintly blowing on the other man’s sensitive ear. “Lee Hyukjae, having met you has made me the luckiest guy on earth. You’re my light in the darkness, my sun on rainy days, my hope when I feel empty, you’re my everything…I love you…” Donghae whispers into Hyukjae’s ear and feels the other man’s body start trembling.

Hyukjae’s eyes fill with tears, however; this time, the hot liquid is not a sign of grief. The rapper buries himself deeper into Donghae’s loving embrace and cries tears of happiness, taking comfort in the other man’s closeness and breathing in his minty scent.

“Please, don’t cry…” the brunette pleads, slightly pulling away. He gently lifts the redhead’s face and tenderly wipes the other man’s tears with his thumb.

Hyukjae closes his eyes at the feel of the other man’s soft touch.

“Hyuk…” Donghae whispers and the other dancer looks up at him with hazy eyes. The two men gaze at each other for a while before the brunette leans in, closing the distance between them, and claims the redhead’s cherry red lips. The kiss is slow and tender.

“Why don’t you two go to your room now,” the leader suggests patting Donghae’s shoulder and discretely pointing with his index finger to a heavily blushing Ryeowook.

Donghae chuckles. “By the way…who hung the fishing line in the hallway?” he asks, curious as to just who would come up with such an idea.

Upon hearing the question, all eyes turn to one person.

“What? He deliberately took the last egg toast sandwich during breakfast! And I wanted to eat it!” Shindong whines, glaring at an amused Kyuhyun.

“Uh, Shindong, haven’t you thought that someone else might end up caught in your little, let’s say, ‘revenge’?” Leeteuk asks, his nagging mode activated.

“Uh, I think we better go,” Donghae says, pulling the giggling redhead with him.
As soon as Hyukjae enters his and Donghae’s shared room, he is pushed against the closed door.

Donghae attacks the redhead’s luscious lips, kissing him hungrily and the other dancer responds with just as much passion.

“Hyuk…” Donghae whispers hotly into Hyukjae’s ear while fondling the sides of the redhead’s waist through the soft fabric of the other man’s shirt.

The crimson haired dancer shivers. Then, he feels the brunette’s lips graze his jawline and Hyukjae can’t help the soft moan that escapes his slightly parted lips.

Donghae grunts hearing the other man’s quiet whimper and pins him harder against the door, pressing their bodies close. He, then, claims the redhead’s lips once more sliding his wet tongue over the other man’s bottom lip, asking for entrance, which Hyukjae grants, and the two men share a slow, deep kiss. Donghae’s skilled tongue takes part in a lazy battle with the other man’s, discovering the redhead’s addictive taste all over again, drowning in his sweet, ambrosial scent.

Hyukjae wraps his arms around Donghae’s neck, pulling him closer as one of his hands entangles itself into the brunette’s soft hair and the redhead hears the other man release a throaty moan of approval in response.

Donghae lips arrive at Hyukjae’s neck, ravishing the exposed skin and the crimson haired man tilts his head to the side, giving the other dancer a better access, and closes his eyes at the intense sensation of the other man’s hot, moist mouth on his sensitive flesh. The brunette’s hands explore Hyukjae’s thinly clothed figure, his warm, gentle hands running all over the redhead’s well-built body.

Hyukjae arches his back under Donghae’s sensual touches, accidentally brushing his hips against the brunette’s.

Donghae gasps, temporarily stopping his action of planting feather-light kisses on the other man’s collarbone. “God, Hyuk…” he breathes out huskily, and runs his hands down the other man’s back to arrive at his sexy butt. The brunette lifts Hyukjae up and the redhead wraps his long, slender legs around Donghae’s waist, both men releasing a low groan at the contact, their bodies instantly heating up. Donghae crushes his lips over the redhead’s, kissing him passionately, as he grinds his hips against the other man’s, a burning desire coursing through his veins.

Hyukjae closes his eyes tight at the powerful sensation and digs his fingers into the other rapper’s shoulders, releasing soft sounds of pleasure.

Donghae growls throatily upon hearing the other dancer’s quiet moans. “Hyuk…I want you so much…it’s driving me crazy,” he whispers, resting his forehead against the other man’s, his hot, minty breath blowing on the redhead’s cherry lips.

“I…hnn…want you…too…Hae…” Hyukjae breathes out and the brunette wastes no time in carrying the redhead to the bed and laying him gently on the silken navy blue sheets.

Donghae tenderly kisses Hyukjae as he slips his warm hands under the other man’s dark red tee. He lets his palms travel up the redhead’s chest, his fingers lightly brushing the smooth milky skin while simultaneously pulling the shirt up and then over the other man’s head. “Hyuk…you’re beautiful,” Donghae says gazing at the man beneath him, at his shiny, crimson hair that lie tousled on his navy blue sheets, his hazy, hypnotizing eyes, flushed cheeks and rosy lips that evoke all sorts of fantasies.

Hyukjae just smiles warmly in response and undoes the brunette’s white shirt while gazing deep into the other man’s dark eyes.

Donghae leans down to capture the redhead’s sweet lips in a hungry, steamy kiss, which leaves the two men breathless. “Hyukjae…I love you…” the brunette says, tenderly kissing the other man’s palm.

“I love you too, Donghae…” Hyukjae replies smiling sweetly at the other dancer and soon, all the remaining clothes are discarded, the two men finally feeling complete as they become one.

Well…that’s the end my dear readers~
Please, don’t shed tears!
Just kidding~ XD
I’m sorry for the long wait, but still, I think it was worth it, no? :P
Anyway, as it’s the end of the story I would like EVERYONE TO COMMENT!
I hope you enjoyed reading it ^.^
Well I guess it’s time to say good bye~

eunhae, super junior, fanfiction, heartache

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