
Aug 22, 2011 20:37

Today, I don't have any guests!...yet. It's not that I'm antysocial but since the start of holidays I've had guests all the time...and it's not over yet. I seriously love those people, some of them I haven't seen for a really long time - count in years, but sometimes I really do need some time alone for myself. Anyway, lately, I've been going swimming in Dadaj lake or kayaking (on the same lake, it's pretty extensive by the way). I went fishing in a pond once too, and I'll probably go again some other day, but the thing that I do most frequently these days is...playing cards! We play a game that involve 4 players and it's called "Rozbójnik" (I don't really know how to call it in English...maybe something like 'bandit'?

Basically, if anyone's interested, the thing is, every round there are different cards (or a card) you have to avoid having in your...I don't know how to call it...backhanders? Like, when you put a card on the table and then it turns out that yours is the highest so you take all the others as yours.     To make it easier for me I'll just use the Polish term - wziątka. So in the first round you have to take as little wziątkas as you can and each one is minus 10 points. In the second round you avoid the wziątkas that have hearts in them, each heart card is minus 5). In the 3rd, you avoid the wziątkas that have queens in them (-20 each). The 4th - you avoid the kings and the jacks (-15 each). The 5th - you can't take the fifth and the last wziątkas ( -50 points each). 6th - you avoid the king of hearts (-150 points). And finally, the 7th round (the 'Rozbójnik') where all the previous rules are in force at the same time so it's best to have no zwiątkas. After the 7th round rhe rules change, there are only 4 rounds left and each of the 4 players choses one colour (a player picks a colour only once! When it's his turn) from first 5 cards to be the colour that beats all the others and now it's all about taking as much wziątkas as you can (every wziątka is +20 points). The person who has the highest final score wins. I know it's confusing but the game is really fun. I like the fact that it's seriously unpredictable. You may be the winner for the first 6 rounds and then gain so many minus points in the 7th that winning the game becomes impossible. Oh, and one additional info, my playing cards are the size of the ones uesd for tarot! It was a bit hard to play with them at first but now the normal sized ones are just too small!!Lol I'm not done yet with describing the things I did recently but I'll write about them some other time.

Now I'd like to finally post the itune shuffle that I "stole" from xploded_tb XD The rules are simple (somehow this entry is all about the rules haha), there are 25 questions and for each of them the answer is the title of a song that happens to be playing, you just have to push the 'next' button to get the answer for the next question. Sometimes the answers turn out to be ridiculous but it's really fun. The songs are only from my korean playlist.
So here goes:

1. Describe yourself.  
"It's you" by Super Junior
2.What do people feel when they're around you?
"She wants it" by Super Junior
OMG really??
3.Describe your current relationship.
"Why I like you" by Super Junior
4.Where would you like to be right now?
"Club nr. 1" by Super Junior
Haha some entertainment wouldn't be so bad :P
5.How do you feel about love?
"Sorry, sorry, sorry" By Super Junior
How sad XD
6.What is your life like?
"Bonamana" (I think it means obviously) by Super Junior
7.What would you wish for if you only had one wish?
"My all is in you" by SJ
8.Say something wise.
"1,2,3,4 back" by Ast'1
Really wise lol
9.How would you describe yourself?
"I'm a loner" by CNBlue I?
10.What do you look for in a guy?
"Destiny" by Ss501
Whoa! So I'm looking for my destined person lol
11.How do you feel today?
"Will you marry me?" by Lee Seung Ki
12.What's your life's purpose?
"Not alone" by Park Jungmin
Yup, it's actually true that I don't want to end up alone.
13.What is your motto?
"Don't don" (Money, money!) by SJ
Yeah the finances are important...but is it really my motto? XP
14.What do your friends think of you?
"Talk to me" by U-kiss
Ha ha good to know~
15.What do your parents think of you?
"Before yesterday" by U-kiss
16.What dou you think about very often?
"Man man hani" ( Am I that easy to you) by U-kiss
Oh, dear...
17.What dou you think of your best friend?
"Love is" by 4 men
O.O Am I in love with my best friend?? I surely didn't notice! XD
18.What dou you think of the person you like?
"Shut up!" by U-kiss
The person I like must be really talkative then lol
19.What is your life story?
"Be my love" by Clazziquai
20.Who do you want to be when you grow up?
"Motnatjiyo" (Worthless) by Choi Siwon
O_O Am I out of my mind?!
21.What do you think of when you see the person you like?
"She is" by Clazziquai now I'm a lesbian? XD
22.What will you dance to at your wedding?
"Love is punishment" by K. Will
Whoa! That's kinda depressing XP
23.What will play at your funeral?
"City of angels" by Dj Angwajang
Oh my~
24.Biggest fear?
"Again & again" by 2PM
So I fear monotony or what? lol
25.Biggest secret? 
"Y, why..." by CN Blue

Well ,that's it. I seriously laughed seeing my answers haha You should try doing the shuffle too!

And in the end it turns out that I do have a guest today.

personal, funny

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