"So, there's no illness to fight? It's just to make babies healthier? That's kind of vague."

May 01, 2010 14:55

Thank you guys for all the hugs and support. I'll reply later tonight, I swear, but for now, I have to take a nap. And here's why.

Today's favorite out-of-context quote will actually get some context: "We're terrible volunteers. I'm lazy and you're mean." -Terri

More than a month ago, I suggested to Terri that maybe she should volunteer for something while she's on the job market. It's good experience, makes you feel like you're contributing, looks good on the resumé. All that. She asked if I'd do it too and I stupidly agreed.

A free t-shirt and unlimited hot dogs and Diet Cokes did not equal out to being bossed around in the cold, damp rain by old ladies, being required to attempt to scale fucking trees to hang banners in 30mph wind, and cleaning up after people who, for whatever reason, simply dropped hot dog pieces and broken Oreos on the ground instead of putting them in the trash bags that I lovingly taped up AT THE END OF EVERY FUCKING PICNIC TABLE.

Wen: You didn't get a warm feeling in your heart knowing you were indirectly helping babies?
Missy: No. I got an angry feeling in my heart. It was more burning than warm.

I tried to give my time, but really, I don't do well being bossed around by strangers, so if time is money, from now on, I'll just give money.

The Biggest A-Hole in the World

a day in my life

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