There's a big black ball of yarn with my name all over it

May 03, 2010 22:04

Is crocheting faster than knitting? I guess I'll find out.

I'm going to learn to crochet. Or at least, that's what my plan for tomorrow is. I'm gonna teach myself to crochet while my dad does rehab. I think I could learn to crochet in an hour and a half or so. I mean, a few years ago I taught myself how to knit socks in an evening. I can learn to crochet in an afternoon.

Part of my charm is my unbelievable confidence in myself.

I hope we have a crochet hook. That will seriously put a kink in my plans if we don't...

I don't remember where I stole this from, but let's pretend it was someone we all know.

1. What car did you drive during high school? (parents' cars count)

THEN: I learned to drive on a Dodge minivan. I was seriously pissed off about that. Shortly thereafter, though, we got rid of it and I got Moon Unit, a light blue Grand Am with a backseat that was constantly wet if you stuck your hand between the seat back and the seat bottom because of a faulty seal somewhere. I tried to have it fixed so many times and nothing worked.
NOW: I drive the Motortrend 2010 Car of the Year! Ford Fusion, hybrid model, and I worship at its altar. I used to drive a Volkswagen Cabrio though, and sometimes I still miss driving around with the top down. I bought that car because of the commercial. "Pink Moon". Don't tell me advertising doesn't work.

2. What was your favorite song during high school?

THEN: I was so into Dave Matthews Band ("Satellite" and "Ants Marching" and "Dancing Nancies"), and the Grateful Dead, and for a good long time I was also in love with the soundtrack to Twister.
NOW: I have a soft spot for "Teeth" by Lady Gaga and anything upbeat and happy by Mika ("Grace Kelly" or "Lollipop" or "Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)") or The Cat Empire ("Sly" and "Hello" and "The Car Song"). I eschewed the pop sound for a long time. Not so much this year though. Oh, and I downloaded a shitload of Andrew WK songs last night.

3. Who did you have a celebrity crush on?

THEN: *gulp* Dare I admit it? Dean Stockwell. I wish I were joking.
NOW: Anthony Starke should be running scared at this point. I'm pretty sure if I ever met him in real life, I would totally come across as a creepy obsessive-fan stalker. Either that or I'd come across as retarded. I dunno which would be worse.

4. Were you involved in other activities in high school, and what were they?

THEN: Piano lessons, Spanish club, bell choir (yeah, you wanna make somethin' of it?), Junior Achievement (oh God, there was a useless after-school activity)...
NOW: Work work workedy work. I golf now, too. Possibly going to be an advisor to a sorority on campus. I don't have time to be involved in any organized activities outside of work.

5. What was the first name of your best friend in high school?

THEN: Terri
NOW: Terri (not a lot changes in my life)

6. What was your favorite TV show?

THEN: "Quantum Leap" obviously, "Friends", and "The X-Files". Can you tell I was a nerd?
NOW: "Burn Notice", "White Collar", "Grey's Anatomy" (though not nearly as much since Izzie and George are gone), and um... "American Idol". I never MEAN to get into it, but I just... yeah. OH! And "Ghost Hunters"!

7. Do you remember your favorite article of clothing during high school and what was it?

THEN: Jeans and flannel shirts. We were children of the grunge era. I also had this navy blue plain long-sleeved t-shirt that I wore ALL THE TIME with a pair of Express jeans and Birkenstocks with these thick wool socks. I think I looked like I was trying to be a lesbian. I thought I looked like someone who listened to Dave Matthews Band and the Dead.
NOW: Jeans and a plain white t-shirt from the Gap. But at least I'll wear great jewelry with it.

8. Did you have a job and what was it?

THEN: Staying sane.
NOW: Teaching. So, pretty much the same thing.

9. What career path did you want to follow after high school?

THEN: I think I had it in my head that I wanted to be an English professor.
NOW: Communication professor. Though the number of career paths I went down before deciding on this one were numerous.

10. Describe your hairstyle during high school.

THEN: A fairly nondescript bob.
NOW: Almost to my bra band with layers and long bangs. (This, along with clothing, is an area in which I traded up.)

Compare your answers.

Were any of them the same? Yes, or pretty close to the same.
How much did they change? Some of them changed a lot, like the superficial things. And the car. Some of them, thankfully, did not, like the BFF and the job. It's good to know I made wise decisions for the things that matter.
Are you surprised? Not really. Although I admit that I thought the flannel shirt trend would be around forever, considering how much money I invested into it.

i made this, play from home

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