Feb 03, 2011 15:47
So, I have been having problems with sleeping in the past week.
Basically, on one day, I will take 2 hours tossing and turning to fall asleep, and then only sporadically. The day after, becuase I am tired, I have very little trouble sleeping.
These seep problems are familiar to the ones that I had in December, before I wnet home. While at home, I had no problem sleeping whatsoever. I come back here and things are fine up until this week. In order to solve the problem, I have tried a number of things. For starters, I had already cut down on caffiene usage at night. After being told that weight impacts caffiene tolerance, and realizing that I had lost a significant amount of it, I went from 2 cans of soda to one. This week I bought caffeiene-free diet pepsi, and replaced the can of diet sunkist with the can of caffeiene free diet pepsi. Unfortunately, it seems to have had little to no impact.
Just to give a sample of my routine, I drink a can of soda at around 3:30 AM whil reading some blogs. Right before I have something to eat (usually taquitos, fries, or pancakes (which I am ESPECIALLY good at)) and I have taken a shower. When I am done with the soda and the blog reading, I usually walk around my place for a bit, and then go to sleep. (I should say that I skipped this last step last night, but no change).
I have tried to cut down on the heat to no avail. My only two theories left are: 1) there is something about my place, bed, etc. that has been keeping me up lately or 2) there is something about my diet that has an impact. (Of course, there is always some possbility that it may be a combination of the two...)
I am not sure what else I can do to get some sleep. It's a bit of a worry.