Jan 22, 2008 21:19
-Your LJ
What is your username?: fransta_oddbean
How did you get it?: Nickname, plus I'm odd, with a twist =P
How long have you had an LJ?: Possibly close to two years?
Do you have other LJs?: Narge, just this one <3
How often do you post?: Not much recently, but all that is about to change!
Check your friends page?: Not normally, but it's sort of become religious of late xD
What do you talk about most on LJ?: Real life & fandoms
Have you ever posted more than 6 entries in one day?: Not that I'm aware xD
Do you use livejournal overrides?: What's that? xD
Do you spellcheck your entries?: No, spelling things wrong is normal with me & it's part of who I am. If you don't like it, get used to it
How many icons do you have?: 12 ish?
How many communities do you belong to?: Lots, mainly Robin Hood, Hollyoaks, Doctor Who, Heroes & Torchwood
Favorite community?: Lotttttts. Mainly Robin Hood atm though
Do you post regularly to communities, or just lurk?: Lurker =P
Moderate any communities?: No
-LJ Friends
How many LJ friends do you have?: A fair few
How many of them do you know in real life?: Lucy, Helen, Krissy, Verity & Hayley but they never use LJ anyway
Ever met an LJ friend?: Yessss, listed above
Which LJ friend do you most want to meet?: All of them. Mwahahaha!
Who has the best layout?: I actually really like Janey's
Who has the best icons?: Oh, thats tough xD
Favorite journal to read?: I like reading them all
Who should post more often?: me xD
Do you comment on your friends entries?: I'm trying to
Ever had a crush on someone on livejournal?: No
Have you ever kissed someone on your friends list?: No
-And finally...
What do you like best about LJ?: Way journals are layed out,comminity's & also meeting new faces who actually listen when you waffle on about fandom
What do you like least about LJ?: Nothing comes to mind
Do you ever go back and delete entries?: Not really
How often do you use LJ cuts?: Memes, fics, long waffley fandom related things, fanmixes, long real life waffles
Ever make private entries?: Made a few
Would you rather have a myspace, or an LJ?: Oooo, well I like both. LJ cos it's more intimate, but my MySpazz layout is teh cool right now <3
What tags do you use most?: fandom xD
Have you changed much from your earliest entry?: Definately
What is your favorite entry of the month?: Well, as I've only made 1...
I decided I wanted a DS Lite for my birthday [in black of course] & I found a good deal at Argos, buuuuut they've all sold out =( & someone's stolen my play.com mail with John Barrowman'ness in it *not happy* I know it's my birthday present but it's still addressed to me =x
Got Inside Soap today. Gemma Bissix starts in Eastenders next week! Damn her for making me start watching it again
*sigh* Roll on Friday
mike & zoe,
gemma bissix made me watch eastenders,
john barrowman