Monday Austerity Week

Nov 08, 2011 09:33

I'm putting up some pretty low expectations for myself.

Basically, I don't want all my mornings to dissapear in a haze of internet activity. Since my folks are gone, I'm not chatting with them all morning, but since my dad's not around, I don't have to surrender the computer right away and I've been really into reading news articles lately. If someone knows of something insightful (and substantial) on Greece, lemme know.

Yesterday was a good start. I had a few things that NEEDED to be done, and I accomplished them all. Granted, they weren't that difficult, but it still felt good. I picked up a couple of boxes that I had shipped home for Korea and greatly appreciated the t-shirts and socks I had in there. It's damn hard to find some good cotton dress socks, and t-shirts are crazy expensive right now due to some cotton blight or something.

The PO had attempted to deliver the boxes, but since I needed to sign for them, they couldn't be dropped in the sauna like they usually do. I arrived in Negaunee at about 10:35...and the office closes for lunch at 10:30. So, I wandered through the Old Bank Building Antiques and Lowensteins. Asked them to open the case so I could look at a Yellow Kid (first US syndicated comic character--and where the term Yellow Journalism comes from) button. It looked so cool, in my head I was willing to go $20 on it...but it had a $150 price tag. For a moment I tried to justify that I, and the people I'd like to show it to, would like it more than a gold necklace....but just for a moment. Bought a couple of postcards from Lowensteins and got 'em stamped and mailed out later in the day.

I mailed out The Who's Odds and Sods CD I sold on Ebay. $5 in my pocket. Whoo-hoo, that's half a pizza, baby (a box from which provided the packing material for said CD).

The big job was touching up my wooden door. While the door I built is a damn fine thing, it requires a bit of care. In this case, I had some cracks in the varnish on my "floating panel"...this is one of those jobs that I was more than necessarily apprehensive about. I know how to sand and paint on varnish, yet I had a fear of fucking things up, so I've been putting it off. Since yesterday might have been the last possible moment, I was spurred into action. The weather was 55 degrees as I drove past the bank by Shopko and my can of Polyurethane said that was the minimum advisable temp to use the product. It was probably a good 5 degrees colder when I finished the third coat, and yeah, it was getting a bit too gummy, and since I don't really care about it being perfect (it is just a door) I wonder what the mental blockage was all about.

Anyway, did some prep work for the next room for flooring (mostly just hauling stuff around, and felt good about the day.
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