The one day I can sleep in and the cat wakes me up. Thanks a lot, cat. I got up and started putting together the tent supply box.
Finials, stakes, extra rope, tape, mallets and hammers. I'm also going to put my leatherworking gear in here as well.
A major changing of the gears here. I found out that there is going to be a lot more room available in the trailer to haul individual gear than I thought. This is good news as it saves the anxiety of wondering if my stuff will fit in O's vehicle. The bad news is If I want to take advantage of it. I get to spend all day today packing. EEP!
Also, I know I said I was done with the tent. However I forgot about how splintery the edges of the tent poles are. I have talked K into going outside with a rasp and rounding out the corners a bit. I'm also rounding off the tops of the poles a bit as well.
I also did some McGyver-ing of the silk pennon and gold finial to make them lay correctly. The threaded rod that came out from the top of the center pole to hold the globe finial and pennon was not quite as tall as I needed it to be. It was right at 10" and I really needed it to be at about 15".
I also had a second problem in that when I drilled out a hole throught the finial from stem to stern, when I came in from the top the first time I was a bit off. So I had to drill a second hole right next to it and fortunately the second time I got it right. I was still worried about the first bad hole collecting water in the rain, etc.
Then I realized that it would probalby accept a dowel rod. MMMMMmmmm. I could put a LONGER dowel rod into the second hole, and IT could hold the silk pennon. Well it worked!
I also had to trim a foot of the length of the pennon. It was just a bit to heavy to catch the wind before. It's 27" long now.
The only thing I have to do is to carve out a little bit of the underside of this one finial. It's completly flat on the bottom and I'm afraid the rain won't drip off the sides, but run underneath down the rod instead.
So once the poles get the edges rounded, and i get the underneath of that big finial carved out, THEN I will be done with the tent!
More Later.