Jan 31, 2008 21:44
Ack Ack Ack say I....
The day after Menhir I came down with what I thought was a nasty cold that evolved into the flu back to cold and back to flu again.
I lost my voice on Friday the 25th and it's still not back. Fever was between 101 and 102 it's gone down to under 99 today so maybe I'm out of the woods.
I gotta tell ya though the lemon/honey/tea does not help. Although it does keep me away from the dairy, which causes more mucus. I've resorted to the modern medicines of Wallgreen's Eucalyptus cough drops, Vicks 44, and tylenol.
So all my sca projects are on hold.
It's all I can do to keep the wastebaskets emptied of icky tissues.
Don't even ask me about the dishes.
At this rate, I don't even know if I'm going to make it to Black Gryfon.
More Later.