
Jul 21, 2008 17:51

This dye made the house smell wonderful! Like Pie! Until I added the wool, I mean. Then it just smelled like wet wool.

Wool fiber, no mordant. Just strait into the blackberry dye. The blackberries were fresh from our own backyard. This produced the mauve-ish color (thank you parlor_games for nailing down the color name!) that is shown on the chunk O wool on the left.
The chunk O wool on the right has been modified with iron liquor. This turned the wool a deeper grey-ish shade. Very somber.

Something I particularly liked about working with this dye material was that I was able to dump the leftovers from the dye pot (blackberry sludge and water) right into the compost pile. (The iron liquor doesn't go anywhere near the compost, of course). Earthy crunchy eco groovy is way good. Kind to trees, Sweetie.
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