Another look at that blackberry dye

Jul 23, 2008 21:30

Ok! Many, many folk pointed out that my last pic of blackberry dyed wool looked a lot more like a rusty red than it did the mauve color I was claiming.

I took another picture in different light (shown) and threw in a true rust red wool scrap/dreadlock (left over from my last batch of madder dyed wool) for compare/contrast purposes. The madder/wool scrap is the one on the left.

In the middle is the wool dyed in blackberry dye alone. I stand by my claim that it is mauve. If it still appears rust red to anyone, do let me know and I'll come to your house, ring your bell, and show you my sample. And I won't leave until you admit it is mauve, mauvish, mauv-oid, or any variation thereof.

On the far right is the wool dyed with blackberry dye, followed with an iron modifier. Let's call this last color "smokers lung".

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