Jul 17, 2004 17:38
Wow, this week went by fast....but was still fun for the most part, heh.
I kinda missed Win Lose or Draw this Wed, but that was ok...Amy, Josh and I all went out shopping in the morning for stuff for the costume dance. We stopped at Goodwill and then went to Monroeville Mall and found some good stuff. Then for lunch we decided to eat at Hooters just for kicks, hehe. None of us had ever eaten there before so it was interesting. I had my camera, so we decided to tell them it was my birthday, hehe. I got sung to and got my picture taken with 4 Hooters girls, one on my lap, hehe. I got the picture more for Jonathan than anything else... ^_^
Thurs night was design night, but I had desk duty. Prior to that tho I mixed up a big batch of henna because after lounge clear was Girls' Night In, where all the girls from the two floors were invited to the 6th floor lounge for making cookies (in the microwave, hehe), friendship bracelets, talking, doing hair, listening to music, and, courtesy of myself, henna tattooes. I spent 3 of my 4 hours on desk doing an anklet tattoo of DNA replicating on my foot...it was tedious but awesome ^_^
The Girls' Night in went great, they were all very excited and had a lot of fun. I ended up doing about 14 tattooes on people of just whatever designs they wanted, and they were able to leave most on overnight so they came out very well. I had to be up til 2 am with an 8 am class the next day, but it was worth it.
Then Friday night was the Costume Dance. I had been working all week on mine and got it done a few hours before so I could help others with theirs. Mine was a cat costume, where I used fur-like boas to line the bottoms of some black pants, the collar of my black tanktop, and the ends of a pair of loooooong black gloves I got on Thurs (the gloves were awesome!) I also then work black heeled boots, my hair up and curly, cat ears and my collar with the jingly bell, hehe. And then I had one extra boa that I had fun dancing around and grabbing people with ^_^
A lot of the other costumes were good too. Josh dressed up as Zorro, mustache, cape and all, including a cardboard, dowel rod, and aluminum foil sabre which I later fenced people with. Amy went as a duct tape kind of superhero (the TAs were supposed to have a superhero theme, heh...) with a cool cape and feet completely covered in duct tape. G went as Mario with blue overalls (and yellow paper buttons), red t-shirt and baseball cap, and a big black mustache drawn in with eyeliner. He really pulled it off given his Italian-ness and long curly hair. Joel went as Link from Zelda, and he did a really good job of it, with a sheild and sword and all...he could've cosplayed with his costume. Jack went as a random Chinese peasant, and I made him a domed hat thing out of paper and spray paint and he had G's 6 foot staff. Andy tried to go as a powerpuff girl but really just ended up wearing a blue dress from Goodwill, hehe. Erin went as a bat girl and Amy as She-Hulk with green body paint, and Lindsey as the big marshmallow person. Then Marisa and Michelle were the Optical Illusion Duo. heh.
A lot of the student costumes were well done. There was a large amount of crossdressing, like Adam and Rebecca dressing as each other (Adam borrowed my long black skirt). Then we had a group go as the tRNA and GTP and such from the 1970s Stanford movie on LSD about protein synthesis which they'd seen in bio...everyone really got into that. Otherwise people dressed up as each other, hawaiian girls, cowgirls, rappers, etc. It was fun, and altho there wasn't as much dancing there was a lot more sword fighting, hehe.
After the dance all the TAs snuck out to Eat N Park--in costume. We had fun sitting around with everyone asking about our costumes and got a nice group picture taken there. I had a chicken sandwich and the rest of G's milkshake and Josh's fries ^_^
And the today is day one of parent's weekend where parents come visit their I am soon off to meet LJ-person, so we'll see how that goes ^_^