Jul 14, 2004 02:53
Kennywood was tons of fun!
I hung out most of the day with Amy, Josh, Amy-Amy, and G. At times we were with other TAs and occasionally a few students. We went on a lot of rides, and I got some great pictures...like movie of the Thunderbolt while riding it. The exterminator was cool, and I liked the Racer and some of the other circle-y ones, hehe, but the highlight of the day was my going on the Phantom's Revenge. I was so peer pressured into it, heh...and I made G sit next to me so I could crush his arm instead of Josh's or Amy's for a change. It was a little hard to get me to go, as I hate freefall and it's the biggest coaster there...I screamed the whooooole time, and now, 3 days later, my voice is still hoarse >_<
They also tried to get me to go on the Pitt Fall, but that being pure freefall and the tallest thing in the park, after waiting in line 20 min I let the 4 of them go and I got pics. I really don't reget the decision, heh. Also, three TAs (Erin, Michelle, and Matt) went on the sky coaster, which is where they are suspended between two towers and allowed to fall and swoop back and forth thru the air. It was cool, but no way in hell I was gonna go up there :-p
Afterwards we gathered up the students and headed back. I rode back with Amy-Amy and them and stopped by Steak N Shake...while they ordered I ran to Michael's and got some fur-like boas for my costume and I went to Petco and got Ryoko II and Pyro III, hehe ^_^
Monday night then was Arts and Crafts night run by Amy and me. We had painting, origami, and papier mache. The papier mache was messy but fun, heh...Jack gave me the idea to do a chocobo and so I did. It came out great for a 20 min structure and one layer of papier mache and paint...I think one more layer of paint would do it.
Then tonight was pool night, which I went to an hour in after napping. There was much swimming and dunking, and I was involved in a couple chicken fights. At one point Gabby and Sofia (both fully clothed) and I ganged up on Andrew to try and dunk him, which was no easy task as he'd had martial arts training of some sort and could evade most of our moves....and that reminds me, he needs to grab me for a rematch of Egyptian RatScrew...I cannot be beat! hehe...,I'm thinking of offering a prize to someone who can beat me....anyways, the most notable thing was when I was talking to Joel out of the pool and for some reason we decided to hairwhip each other with our wet hair....at the same time. We hit skulls soooo hard, I had to sit down and cradle my head for 5 minutes, all the time both laughing and crying. He had a big red mark on his forehead, and I was hit further on the top of my head, tho it still hurts...it was hilarious tho :-p
Then tonight after some games of ERS and pool, we watched the Butterfly Effect, that movie with Ashton Kutcher. It was actually really good! One of those makes ya think kind of movies, up there with Donnie Darko. We watched the director's cut, and found it had a different ending, so we watched the original afterwards, and I actually liked both of them.
But anyways, my goal for the night is to get 8 consecutive hours of sleep, so here goes!