I want to bang on a drum all day

Oct 29, 2008 15:30

The great temp job hunt has had me out with spears chasing the elusive long term temp to possible perm job for some time now. But I have cornered one, and though it be sore wounded, I think I can triumph in the end. It will make a tasty meal  income. I begin the new temp assignment on Friday, so for Halloween I shall dress up as a competent professional about town who gives a flying hoot, incognito, (with my spear hidden cleverly in my purse should I need it) and attempt to portray myself as invaluable to my new place of employ. I shan't disclose the company at this point publicly, just in case things do not work out between us, and the position decides it's only a flesh wound, savages me and gallops off, triumphantly bugling its freedom to the temp masses. As it were. To dismember a metaphor.

But I am much relieved, as the place looks like it could be a fun place to work, and the temp agency offers benefits as soon as I start working directly for them. So I'll have health insurance, whew! And a tiny (incrementally small) more amount of money, which will go to health insurance. Um. But as I'll still be doing a few hours of transcription as an I.C. for this place, that hopefully will put me enough into the black to get me by.

So tonight I shall celebrate with burgers and shakes, and possibly a trip to the dry cleaner. This weekend, I might buy a sweater. You never know. I'm wiley that way. Wily? Um, clever? maybe not.

how do you spell relief, jobs, shenanigans, work, silly

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