Hear that voice again...

Oct 30, 2008 11:36

Well, postponement for a day. The New Job Place decided it would make more sense for me to start on Monday. They aren't wrong, exactly, but it does mean I'm rearranging. Or maybe not. I think I deserve a day off, after all. It's not a giant huge I'll never eat again punch in the purse, so I think I may just go for it. There are so very many things for me to do, after all.

One of them being writing. I have lots and lots of writing to do. I'm not exactly signing up for NaNoWriMo, because, well, I hate signing up for things. But I will be focussing on finishing the first draft of the current project by the end of November, so I can send it along to my agent. I'm about, oh, not quite half done with a very rough draft. These things take me a long time, apparently. I need to update my writing habits so that I can finish novels in a more timely manner. I used to do this, but, um, not lately. So tomorrow there are chores and getting the home system ready for being a transcriptionist (I used to use the work laptop, but that will not be an option now) and then - to writing! I have a big ol' outline to update and some scenes to type up from handwritten. I *will* do this. Because I want to, and because I can. And also, it would be really nice to feel like my characters weren't all hanging out in my head, saying "Whatever, you never let us do anything fun."

jobs, stuff, work, writing

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