Baby, I don't need your cash, Momma got it all in hand

Jan 28, 2008 14:56

Dreams still smacking me about the brainscape, telling me that I'm in an unnerving situation that is making me uncomfortable and nervous. Well, duh.  Really, I go to sleep thinking about happy things, and then dream about being late, being mocked, being lost, being chased, and general humiliation and confusion. Yay. I especially love the dreams where I'm doing something that seems perfectly logical, only to realize in the middle that it's completely wrong and everyone is looking at me with utter disgust. Fun and games. Last night's servings were no better or worse. But I feel more tired than I did when I went to sleep.

On the bright side, apparently plastering the the internet with my resume is paying off somewhat - I have another interview set for tomorrow. I've had several in the last few weeks, so I'm hoping one of these will turn into a job offer. I must remember to appear competent and intelligent and enthusiastic so that a job offer is possible. It's so hard for me. I get nervous and I tone my voice softer to keep from being shrill, but I manage to babble anyway. Working on that. Also I tend not to look people in the eye, for various upbringing and shy reasons, which I guess is disconcerting in an interview, and something I need to work on. It always feels rude to me to look people in the eye like that. I really only do that when talking to friends I'm comfortable with, and even then not so much. Also I look up and to the right when I'm thinking, which I'm told looks weird, too. So pep talk: Look down slightly when I'm thinking. Take slow breaths and pause, but allow myself to show some excitement. Keep answers shorter. Look people in the eye more. Try to remember that I'm perfectly capable of the jobs I'm applying for.

OK. Pep talk over. What methods do y'all use when you're prepping for interviews? And can anyone explain to my subconscious that I already know about the whole unnerving situation thing, and maybe nice, sweet dreams would help more in the long run than rest-depriving humiliation and nausea? That'd be great.

In other news, I'm leaving for my trip to Australia and New Zealand in 37 days. Gulp. I need to do some preparations, here. Like, make sure I'm right about where my passport is. And locate the luggage I'm going to use. And maybe buy a new camera. Or not. The one I have is fine, but it's only 2 megapixels, as it's 4 or more years old. I also need to buy a new swimsuit. Bleah. I look forward to swimsuit shopping like a sharp stick in the eye. I suppose if I look for board shorts, maybe it'll be a tad less humiliating. But probably not.

Ok, back to work now. But I'm hoping I can now dream about Australia and New Zealand instead of random acts of camping with wild dogs and groups of mean people who think I'm dumber than socks.

dreams, jobs, shopping, australia!, interviews, bossy subconscious, travel

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