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Jul 30, 2008 09:07

So i know i hope d that things would "pick up" yesterday, but an earthquake was not exactly what i had in mind.  Yeah,that was a little unexpected and slightly scary but hey, i got what i wanted, things really picked up after that LOL That was also the very first earthquake that I have ever been awake for or felt so that was exciting ^___^ I already said how i was a work and all, but what i didn't say (because it was irrelevant at the time) was that I was on the third floor of this building.  So yeah, the building shook and so did everything along with it.  All the cabinets were opened and the pictures on the walls were slightly crooked by the time it was over, but nothing less happened. No one was hurt.  Then for the rest of the day, on the news and in the office, I heard nothing else but earthquake this and earthquake that. XD People were freaking out and trying to call their loved ones but the calls wouldn't go through lol not even text messages.

So yeah that was it for that day XD now, today I'm back here again doing the same thing as yesterday and i'll probably be here til 5 o'clock again, and if the traffic is nice i'll probably get home by 6.  I would say i hope things pick up but... well you saw what happened yesterday XD
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