Sep 29, 2008 22:18

OK I don't remember how many of you I have told about my move in day so just to be safe I’ll let you all know here and now~ ^__^

Well I moved in on Sunday the 21st. I left the house around 10:20 when I was supposed to have left at like 9 (I was waiting for ray to bring me my yearbook and I kept going back in the house for stuff I forgot I needed to bring) so I got there at like 11 something and I found out that I was the last of the three to get there and that the third set of keys was missing.  They had me go to the office place and wait for almost an hour before they were able to find the extra keys to our room >.<  when I got back to my hall(Aldea in Mesa)  I also discovered that I was on the third floor and that there was no elevators T____T that sucked balls, especially because I am in lower mesa(which means that I have way more stairs to climb if I want to go eat or get to school) ;____;  but yeah since I got there late both my roommates had already chosen their beds and guess who got stuck with the top bunk T___T(God, the ceiling is sooooo close to my face when I go to bed ;; its scary)

So when I climbed up the stairs and opened my door one of my roommates was already in there. Megan, the white one, was in there putting the last of her stuff away.  She was with her family--mom, dad and her sister--so I said hi to her to them and introduced them to my dad and Celeste because they were the only ones who came to help me ^_^ after we said hi we left to get the stuff out of the car and by the time we got back to the room they were gone (YES) so I was able to unpacked my stuff more comfortably ^_____^when I was almost done packing my other roommate, Azieb, the black one, comes in the door, with her family--mom, dad, and brother-- I say hi to them and introduce them to my dad and Celeste but after they said hi my family had to leave so I went downstairs to say bye and when I got back only her parents were in the room…I asked where Azieb and her brother had gone and they said they had gone to get something from the book store…I look around and see that my bed is the only one that is not made so I get out my sheets and pillows and I start to climb to the top bunk( thinking all the while that it would suck if I hit my--) THUNK…o_o I hit my head….with her parents in the room to witness my stupidity ;__________; omg
I was sooooo embarrassed *o* I start laughing and so do they asking if I’m ok and if I need some help :S I tell them I’m ok and that I’m almost done. After that I finished quickly and get down before I fall off and I sit at my desk.  When Azieb and her brother got back, her parents left and but not before telling azieb about my little incident  :’[ And now every time Azieb is on the phone with her mom her mom will ask if im alright and starts laughing ;;;;; Great first impression right =[ but yeah that was pretty much all that happened

Megan my ex-roommate moved out this weekend so now Azieb and I share a HUGE  triple room ^__^  Its soooooo freaking’ AWESOME~!!!!!!!

First day of class was on Thursday which was my busiest day because I have 3 classes that day but the first two classes canceled so I only had one ^_^  and Friday and today was just one class too from like 5:00-5:50

I was able to go back to Covina Friday night and come back to Irvine on Monday afternoon ^__^ it feels good not to be rushed ever to get to class the only thing is that there is a lot of walking so I get tired really quickly but I’ve been good so far XD This Saturday was intense though…walking around all of Knott’s scary farm XDDD it was fun though, we walked around the whole park, got to see 13 mazes, the costumes were amazing and we watched like 3 shows, on top of that I had a chili-cheese burger that was to die for (it was mouthwatering) Liz got a Philly-cheese steak sandwich though and that shit look freaking’ bomb it tasted even better *slobbers* god, now I’m hungry so I’m done, yeah that’s what’s been up with me
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