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Jul 29, 2008 09:10

Today is my first productive day of this summer.  Although I swore i would not get a job, I find that going to work with my neighbor is a lot more fun than staying at home taking care of my siblings and doing chores.  XDDD  This morning she even got me starbucks =D All i do here is mess around on the computer, stamp some envelopes, and pull/put back files ^___^ but sometimes, on rare occasions, I get to answer the phone and put people on hold  :D They have a kitchen here too where anyone can go in and grab whatever they want....not that i would take advantage of that....its just nice to know that i could ^_^ the people who work here are really nice too.  I think i only saw them once before at this dinner thing but they seem to remember me.

The only bad thing about today is that I had to get up early at like...6:30am T_____T i am not use to getting up any earlier than 10am (and that's at the earliest) it also didn't help that i didn't go to sleep until like.....2:30am....and even then I kept waking myself up evey half hour because i thought i would over sleep T________T yeah, I'm going on like 4 broken hours of sleep at the moment so coffee is starting to sound really good ^_____^ i got a double chocolate chip frap this morning and that was good the only thing wrong with it was that there was no caffeine in it ;_;

I hope the day picks up cause its really slow right now.
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