Birthdays are fun

Jun 03, 2008 22:39

I know it has been a while...more like almost a year but I warned that I usually don't have time to write. That being said....


so I thought it appropriate to start writing again ^_^

Today, this morning to be more exact, I found myself surrounded by my family members singing Happy Spanish XD  I think I might have enjoyed it more if i hadn't been so grumpy XDDDD then at school my friends gave me presents~!!!!!!!! A DS :)  I cant believe them. They even gave me the one with my favorite colors: red and black. ^___________^  Another one of my friends made me mouthwatering chocolate cupcakes.  I was sad when they were all gone ;;  The day ended pretty good, too.  My parents took me out to dinner ^___^ and I got a couple of new clothes from my siblings. I might just wear them tomorrow ^_~

Yup, Birthdays are fun~
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