LJ haikus and a hopping rat!

Jul 14, 2006 18:07

These are fun!

allowed to of
course here that rule doesn't
apply it was a

Which rule? The one about having five syllables in the first line? Or seven syllables in the second?

one is hard what do
other people think is weird
vs what do i think

Very Zen. I wonder if "vs" is pronounced in a similar way to "Ms"?

This one is quite poignant, and it even has the code so you can make your own!

Hey, no way. This haiku plagiarises Neruda!

lives the dense fragrance
that rises from the earth i love
you as the sun was

Well, that's enough of that. While I have been playing with the internet, out here on the lawn, a small rat-shaped creature with a green tinge to its fur has come hopping out of the bushes to regard me intently before getting scared and hopping very quickly back into hiding. How cool. I wonder if it really is a rat, or some sort of small hedge-mammal. Owners of rats: do rats hop when they are trying to go fast across not-very-long grass?

ETA: Couldn't resist posting this one:
life is like all you
get to 2000 words then it will
be qualified and

2000 words? If only it was that easy! I'd be qualified in no time...

animals, poetry, meme

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