(no subject)

Jul 18, 2006 15:33

I have a salsa craving, and a jar of hot salsa, but no change to buy salsa-delivery-vehicles (ie, crisps) from the vending machine. So I am eating hot salsa straight out of the jar with a fork, and giving myself chilli-tongue. Aaagh! :-p

This meme is from nicked_metal... I found it particularly interesting because it shows how different I am depending on what (sort of) relationship I'm in. The instructions imply that you should complete it with a particular partner in mind; I got completely different results when completing it in reference to different people.

The Five Love Languages
My primary love languages are probably
Physical Touch and Quality Time.

Complete set of results
Physical Touch:  9Quality Time:  9Words of Affirmation:  7Acts of Service:  4Receiving Gifts:  1

Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.

Take the quiz

The Five Love Languages
My primary love language is probably
Acts of Service
with a secondary love language being
Quality Time.

Complete set of results
Acts of Service:  9Quality Time:  7Words of Affirmation:  6Physical Touch:  4Receiving Gifts:  4

Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.

Take the quiz

So receiving gifts is not especially important to me (although I think giving them is), and quality time is, but everything else varies. Of course, the difference can be attributed to learning your partner's "language" - if I know that my partner expresses affection through one channel in particular, I become attuned to that language. To be a more accurate assessment of your preferences, rather than an assessment of communication modes within your current relationship(s), I think it ought to be done without a specific relationship in mind - if that's possible!

And now, because I am bored (and I still have chilli-tongue), a meme from why_am_i!

A - Available? For what?
A - Age: 27
A - Annoyance: None recently. Yay, tranquility.

B - Best Friends?: Many of them are overseas, but now I have some here too.
B - Bar: In Melbourne, definitely Ginger. Here, it depends what for! Cheapest cocktails - Font; closest and most convenient to uni - the Yellow Pub; funkiest atmosphere - probably Corbieres or the Temple; best outdoor drinking spot - probably Dukes (also for the cheese) or Rain Bar. I guess I haven't found my One True Pub yet.
B - Birthday?: June 3rd.

C - Crush: No, sqush! (of which there is none to be had here)
C - Car: Don't need one here.
C - Cat: Fred may be in another country but I still count him as mine.

D - Dead Pets Name: Too many :(
D - Dad's Name: David
D - Dog: Not any more (see Dead Pets)

E - Easiest person to talk to: Um! Depends what about, and in person or over the phone or online...
E - Eggs: Scrambled, with smoked salmon and hollandaise, on sourdough toast.
E - Email: E is for Essential!

F - Favorite color?: Blue.
F - Food: Yum!
F - Foreign Slang: I don't think I know any!

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Bears, unless the worms are sour.
G - God: has inspired lots of great music, even if he doesn't exist.
G - Good Times: Anywhere with friends.

H - Hair Color: Black, although the shampoo I'm using is making it turn dark brown!
H - Height: 165cm-ish
H - Happy: Mostly! :)

I - Ice Cream: yes please! Or gelati. Especially from Casa del Gelato, Gelatissimo, Gelatomassi, Charmaine's or Passionflower.
I - Instrument: cello, piano
I - Idol: Baal. only joking.

J - Jewelery: ring is a permanent fixture
J - Job: Researcher, when I'm not meme-whoring in LJ-land...
J - Jokes: in England are surprisingly clean

K - Kids: I've become more resigned to the idea recently.
K - Karate: Tried it once but didn't get very far.
K - Kung Fu: ditto

L - Love: possibly more than is good for me
L - Longest Car Ride: to Sydney has been my longest single trip so far.
L - Lipstick or Chapstick: Body Shop mango & peach lip balm, and lipstick for going out.

M - Milk Flavor: Strawberry, because it is PINK!
M - Mothers Name: LeeLee
M - Movie Last Watched: Battlestar Galactica.

N - Number of Siblings: 1
N - Northern or Southern: Northern (hemisphere, England) by residence, Southern (hemisphere, Australia) by birth.
N - Name: Sarah

O - One Wish: Only one?
O - One Phobia?: I'm scared of lots of things, but earthworms is the only one I'd describe as a phobia - the others are reasonable fears.
O - Otter Pop: Otters are cool, but what is Otter Pop?

P - Parents: Yes.
P - Part of your appearence you like best: Hair, waistline.
P - Part of your Personality you like best: A sense of adventure.

Q - Quick or Slow?: I am impatient, but some things are worth taking time over.
Q - Queer or Straight?: Straight, I suppose.
Q - Queen or King?: Whoever wrote this meme was obviously struggling with this letter!

R - Reason to smile: the sun is shining
R - Reality TV Show: Something I tend to avoid
R - Right or Left: Straight ahead!

S - Song Last Heard: Marillion - Neverland
S - Season: Summer
S - Series: hmm... difficult question. I seem to have watched lots of things on DVD recently - Coupling was very funny; I'm waiting to see Season 2 of 24 and for the next season of Lost to come out. There aren't any book series that I'm following at the moment. Oh, except maybe HP.

T - Time you woke up: 8:30am, when the alarm went off
T - Time Now: 4:03pm
T - Time for bed: Any time after midnight; generally about 1am.

U - Unknown: is scary but exciting
U - Unicorns: I haven't had the chance to see one of them for over a decade...
U - U are?: pedantically opposed to the use of text slang.

V - Vegetable you hate: I don't think there is one! Vegetables are great.
V - Vegetable you love: eggplant, mushrooms, sweetcorn, potatoes, really ripe tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower (especially with cheese), capsicums (particularly red), zucchini (roasted are good), snowpeas and sugar-snap peas...
V - View on Politics: Complicated.

W- Worst Habit: Procrastination
W- Where are you going to travel next: Beijing!
W- What's up?: doc?

X - X-Rays: last ones I had done were for my wisdom teeth, years ago
X - X-Rated: when circumstances permit ;)
X - XYZ: This is worse than Q.

Y - Year you were born: 1979
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow?: no, blue - aaaargh...

Z - Zoo Animal: Otters!
Z - Zodiac: Gemini
Z - Zoolander?: Schme.


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