Memes are...

Jul 11, 2006 09:27

... a good way of making me update every so often.

You are Dark Chocolate

You live your life with intensity, always going full force.
You push yourself (and others) to the limit... you want more than you can handle.
An extreme person, you challenge and inspire the world!
What Kind of Chocolate Are You?
Pity there don't seem to be options for 70%, 85% or 99%... :-9

This morning I lugged a suitcase full of books and a bag full of clothes from my room to my office, and my arms now feel like spaghetti. (And I was planning on going swimming this afternoon, too...) I have to be out of my room by 10am on Thursday, which gives me just over 48 hours to move all of my stuff out. That still leaves a week for which I have to find bed-space before I go to Beijing, but I can't be bothered renewing my lease AGAIN, the hall admin staff must be getting sick of me by now and it'll save me £60. I'm going to store everything in my office while we're in Beijing, since there's not going to be anyone else in here during that time, and then (fingers crossed!) I'll be moving into my new place the day after I get back.

Other things that I have done recently: last Thursday I went and donated blood for the first time ever - go me! I tried once in Australia but my veins were too small because it was cold, so they said to try again in summer and by the time summer came round the rule about excluding donors who had lived in England for more than 6 months had been introduced and I wasn't allowed to. Of course here, that rule doesn't apply... It was a bit uncomfortable - my arm was sore for a few days after - and my veins are still annoyingly small, resulting in slow blood flow, but I get to feel like I've done something good for the world. Also I will get to find out what blood type I am, which is something I've never known and will be good for curiosity value at least; and I discovered that my haem levels are pretty good - they do a minimal density test rather than measure the actual number, but mine was over the 12.5 minimum for women and I asked them to do the men's test too, which is 13.5, and it was above that too. Who needs red meat?

ETA: Ooh! I forgot some more exciting news - yesterday I officially enrolled in a PADI learn-to-dive course! I have a big fat book of stuff I need to learn, and then when I get back from China I'll be able to do the practical components - that is, actual diving! And then I will be qualified and can go diving anywhere, hurrah!

diving, aykrc, life, meme

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