conversation (we're on the line talking til nine)

May 12, 2005 01:16

fox1013: You and barely_bean and I should all get together for the Alias finale.
scrunchy: that's an awesome idea
scrunchy: but
scrunchy: I'll be at work!!!
fox1013: Yeah, I don't even know if I'll be in Jersey. BUT WE STILL SHOULD.
fox1013: *coughs*
scrunchy: i could call in sick
scrunchy: ...with leprosy
scrunchy: or something.
fox1013: "Excuse me, my, um, my arm just fell off. Yeah, at the elb- no, wait. At the shoulder?"
scrunchy: "I'm gonna have to put you on speaker -- i can feel the other one givin--"
scrunchy: WHUMP
scrunchy: "[from far away] Yeah, it's gone."
fox1013: "I really don't think I'm going to be able to drive in today. No, really. Even if I didn't need the steering wheel, my left leg's looking kind of... oh, damn. I liked these shoes."
scrunchy: "And honestly, 'Anywhere near food' is the last place I should be"
scrunchy: "Hell, I'm still trying to track down an earlobe."
fox1013: "Yes, I did check under the bed. Yes, I know it's always the last place you look."
scrunchy: "No. No, I didn't. Why didn't I lift up the cushions? Well, my arms are off, for starters."

chat, tv: alias

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