Jun 10, 2008 18:28
I just had TCD's psychiatrist warn me that if I want to get pregnant some day I'm going to need to stop taking Ritalin, so I should wean myself off of it now. I thought that whole "we want to discourage prescribing drugs that could harm the theoretical fetus" thing was local to the States. Seriously, don't tell me I'm pre-pregnant when I'm a) on birth control, b) not seeing anyone committedly, and c) have no intentions to get pregnant in the next, oh, four years at the very shortest. You honestly think I'd be ready to have a baby before 27? She then went on to explain that there's another brand that has the same chemical but a different name, and that may be the Ritalin i was used to at home, the one that works better for me. Here's hoping.
Apart from that... it appears we have no landline, which means either 120 euro to install it then 56 a month for broadband, or less monthly for broadband only but buying a router first. This crap is all crappy. I don't want to talk about it. I did go shopping with Candice, which is awesome because she's the perfect foil to me. She's frank when she needs to be, knows which colors match well, and has agendas of what to buy. She'll deviate just a bit but as soon as she sees me start to drool at the Gap (there's one in Dublin! I've never seen it before!) she frogmarches me in the other direction.
Sent out seven CVs today, to all the places advertising on jobs.ie. Karolina also said she pulled strings and let the people at her school know that I'm available for cover teaching to start immediately. I'm crap at multitasking big events like finding apartment + moving out + finding new job, but I should have sent out CVs/cover letters earlier so that as soon as moving out was done I could start a new job. That would have been impossible, though, or at least a bad idea, because my application needed help which K just gave me this morning. So anyway, I've gotten auto-responses from all the employers and now I just get to wait for a further response.