Jun 09, 2008 14:35
I'm all moved in. I mean, there's still one bag of stuff to unpack, but all of my things are out of Goldsmith and into Fisherman's Wharf. I'm in the postgrad reading room now; it turns out NTL (who we thought would set us up with internet) doesn't have broadband in our neighborhood yet. Karolina's calling the old tenants to see what they did about internet. This means that I won't have eveningtime net access for at least a couple of weeks until we can find someone who does have broadband in our area and can make an appointment for them to set us up. Boo.
On the plus side, I helped some tourist whose bag broke on Nassau St, and the pharmacy signed me up for a health card that means I never have to pay more than 90 euro a month for meds. Any given month is 85ish unless I get the multipliable ones once every few months, in which case I'll pay 90 one month and 70something the other two months.
On the minus side, I've been online for a few hours and realized I can't get everything done until tonight after Irish class. I need to write a cover letter before I apply for these jobs. I don't have a cover letter on file. I've never used one before. It's 5:18 now and I have to book it or I'll be late to meet with the tutoree for our last meeting before her English exam. I really hope she passes, but I just don't know if her level is high enough. ASD:LSEKLFHSVDKjasgdvad I wanted to get the CV sending done before business hours but I'll do it after Irish class instead because it has to get done today.