you gotta make me change my mind

Nov 16, 2007 00:37

oh my crap.
today's workout was 15 x 500. that's right -- 7500 meters of sprinting. we did them in chunks of five; next week we do 20 (add that up, that's 10k at a way-ass fast pace). (kill me first) i couldn't move for about an hour afterwards.

sold tickets for klezmer gig after that, hung with avi (listening to his plans to better promote this gig), failed to find the english school on abbey street, went to class, was annoyed at your spanish dude (as always).... came home, drank wine, went to ceili put on by an cumann gaelach. it was good craic, 'spesh when i ran into maureen, a dancephilic undergrad from Jeff's class, and ended up hanging with her and sarah. (three anth/ling majors walk into a bar...) and run into Pretty Dave. droogs, this dude is just pretty as hell. he's the best sort of pretty, too: he realizes it but makes no kind of fuss over it. Nice, to boot. anyway it seems we know each other solely because I'm having his baby. There are worse babies to have. And may I just add that he said that entirely on his own.
So I spent a good while chatting away with maureen, at the great expense of my poor poor cords. I won't be able to speak again for a good while, I'd say -- at least, not without sounding like a man.

Today my absentee ballot arrived in the mail.
It was due nine days ago.
score one for jeffco!

now I'm going to get ready for bed and fall asleep reading about neanderthal babies. (score one for the shameless scifi that arrived yesterday courtesy of amazon.)

friends, voting, out, tired, mail, ceili, crew

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