watching the dark crystal is what really cheered me up today

Nov 13, 2007 22:41

quote of the night:

me-- "There is no right time for chips."
Alon-- "There is only the right chips for the time."

it's his birthday, so Jeremy and I are buying him TWO pints (that's total, not each). It's like two months' quota, but hey, this day only comes around once a year.

Tomorrow's my half-birthday. I'm waiting to see if anyone buys me a half pint.

on the emo side, Moishe's boy dumped her, and I'm doing the late-night missing-home bit. I wish I could go back to the day of my last birthday party. Instead, last night I dreamed about cannibalism, death, and theme park rides gone wrong.

dreams, emo, apartment, quotes, birthdays

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