i was serious, who wants to see "death at a funeral" with me?

Aug 25, 2007 00:42

yesterday, I canvassed an Obama sticker, a pee break, and $140.
Today, trained an observer, got $100 and (after work) other people's food they were too full to finish.

I've been eating badly this week -- after work, anyway. I've gone out four nights out of five and had at least a beer each of those nights. Combine that with not getting enough sleep AND not swimming with Emma at all this week, and I'm not looking how I did the week before California. To boot, I feel a cough setting in. I'm going to sleep tons tonight, though (but still maybe get up in time for a farmers' market).

Before work yesterday, I met with Em and Cait, bought red pumps at Payless, and mailed a thing. It was good. I'm still making lots of progress on Comptine, too. It's always sounding smoother even when I forget to practice for days in a row.

That's it.

sometimes I look at pictures on facebook and miss David -- the one I stayed up late and woke up early talking to in Cairo and the one who visited here. I don't miss the one who's living in California, though. That's a different David.

weight, emo, shopping, work

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