all sorts of streaks have been broken

Aug 22, 2007 23:55

crummier night tonight!
$28, man. 60% of my doors saw the ECo shirt and went, "not interested." slam.
I did, though, talk to 30 people, which is close to the goal number of 35.
i have about $70 to go until this week's quota.
The thunderstorm that happened around 5 was amazing, too. There was a period of time when not more than five seconds would pass between hearing any two thunderclaps and associated echoes. I was blown away.

CELTA certificate arrived today AND I GOT A PASS B!
That's the second-highest possible grade. Very, very few people get a Pass A, and only slightly more get a pass B.
(so we're led to believe, anyway.)

Bedtime again. I wish I didn't ever have things to do in the mornings.

did you guys hear about the Rangers/Orioles doubleheader? Texas won 30-3 in the first game, 9-7 in the second. It's the most runs scored in a game since like 1897 (back when the rules were different, I think).

sports, work, celta

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