Apr 14, 2006 02:26
The worst part of having big functions and get-togethers is having to say goodbye to everyone.
The last two (Matt and Drama) just left I feel a little sad & empty inside. It’s all over. And we have leftovers now, and no more planning to do.
My friends here are awesome and sweet and wonderful people and I’m really glad I”ve met all of them.
I’m a littled runk now as the last people here made me chug the end (two glasses?) of the last bottle of wine. Ugh, all three bottles were Manischewitzy sweet and none plain. Still, we were all okay.
The best quote was Rachel’s: “I didn’t get that for my bat mitzvah!
Context is required and will NOT be provided.
Everyone came and it was awesome. The list of guests: Arriving on time: drama, Lauren, the flatmates and Rachel and me. Peter also, and then matt. Late: cormac. Later: laure and anissa. (all with excuses, though.) We invited in some strangers (well, friends who hadn’t been asked to the seder itself, and one stranger-to-me) for different parts of the meal, and that made me feel really good. The matzah balls were light and fluffy; the chicken was absolutely delicious. The compote was a little too sweet. Salad was perfect, and Rachel’s smashed sweet tatoes were really good. And the pickled salmon was totally a hit - WOO! The kugel was a little dry, as was the cake-from-a-box. Plus everyone loved the matzah, and of course had no idea what to expect from the maror. Saw Peter’s eyes get about two sizes wider with his huge bite into his matzah piled high with maror. “Well, I wasn’t expecting that.” Heeheehee. (Fuckin wusses, that shit didn’t have any spice at all!) I kept it all meat/pareve except when the goyim had milk with their tea, but I figured 1) it’s Ireland, what are you going to do, keep them from putting in the MILK? And 2) they’re goyim, and 3) we said Birkat so the meal was over, so I’ve heard some people say that ritually that means you can switch from one to the other.
Forgot to serve the jelly slices, which are (clearly) what really, really make a seder anyway. Oh well. They all had lots of fun and everyone loved everything. That part made me happy at least.
Now I’m full of that empty feeling after something big is over. What happened to all the planning? all the buying? all the arrangements ever? all the craziness? All fo everything! What about everything?
Oh, drunk emo posts.
I need to go to sleep but don’t want to. Going to sleep means an end to the night for real. It means there’s Absolutely no more doings of this. And with THIS MUCH planning and money and effort and time and love that went into this shebang, I don’t want it to be over this quickly. Btu it needs to be, anyway.
Because tomorrow we sleep in without an alarm. Asdlfasd;lvha;VJHwdslkhsdklvhaxJOY!
And tehnd it’s an uber-chill movie day. We want to go out adnd see Take the Lead in a theater, provided any of them show it on good fucking friday. stupid catholics!
I’n gioigng to go sleep now. And hope for lovely dreams. And dream how beautiful my life can be...
Maybe this is the first time I’vae had homesickness since I’ve been here. Maybe that’s it.
I thought of cousin Nancy during dinner and nearly started crying. I want her to be better, just all better. That’s why I’m praying these days. Mi Shebarach. God, make her well. See that indomitable spirit she’s got and just let her live!
Tomorrow is another day. Now: I am drunk and tired and emo. Tomorrow matzah brei and scrambled eggs and seeing everyone else’s pictures cause I was stupid and didn’tm get any!
Mmmmmmmmmm, matzxah brei.
Mm, druinkenness so I can actually make typos. How weird.