
Apr 13, 2006 16:46

I think I'm actually in love with Cormac. What else would explain the grin I got when he said he'd come to the seder?
maybe it's cause I realized he and Peter will be the only Irish people at my seder in Dublin. and because he's so sweet and I like him such as to enjoy his company.

anyway, it's all coming along very well. Cooked/prepared: compote, matzah ball soup, eggs, kugel, cake, charoset, pickled salmon. Left to do: Rachel's mashing sweet and plain potatoes (without milk so we keep the dinner all meat -- I'm doing it like my mom, it's the only meal at which I will consciously not mix), and Ash and Lauren are bringing a salad for which I have kosher dressing. Also I need to make saltwater and put out all of the stuff, the parsley and the eggs and the everything, on plates and such. And tidy up the space. I told people to come at either 6 or 7, and I can't remember which. still, it's enough time. Oh, and then I get to dress up! A springy skirt and new top. Huzzah!

I love doing stuff like this. I wish it didn't cost money; I'd do it all the time. Despite the reimbursement I'm asking from everyone, I'm still paying a lot out of pocket. when I grow up I need to be rich so I can pay for the things like this that I'll do all the time.

SO excited. I'll take pictures and post them quickish. I hear you can upload pictures straight onto LJ these days? That'll help.

food, friends, to do, pesach

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