Leaving For Now. *OTA*

Jun 24, 2010 01:42

He had lingered a lot longer than he had planned, but Martini was finding it harder to leave than he had initially planned. The fact so many were just willing to forgive and forget was agitating, but at the same time relieving. But everywhere he turned Martini was assaulted by the ghosts of the pasts. Here was the kitchen where he had broken Tandy’ ( Read more... )

alba detamble, mark "martini" martinez, tabitha "boom boom" smith, victor "sabretooth" creed, crystal walbrow, scott "cyclops" summers, sherry birkin

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Comments 34

perfectedweapon June 24 2010, 08:56:49 UTC
There were times that the inability to sleep came in handy. This was one she was leaning against the wall as he passed. She wouldn't stop him, wasn't her place to do so.

"You know someone's gonna miss ya. And kinda rude to leave without sayin' by to the doc don't ya think."


time_schizo June 24 2010, 09:15:11 UTC
Martini had been hoping no one was up, but knew that in a house this big there was bound to be one or two who would still be awake. He just sighed and paused, leaning against the wall as he thought.

"It's easier this way. I don't need to cause any more harm than I already have. Besides, it's no secret I've been talking about leaving anyway.


perfectedweapon June 24 2010, 09:31:42 UTC
"Yeah, well the brat's still waiting for you you know." She means the healer of course.

"Not that you'd care right? She still insists on trying to help you."


time_schizo June 24 2010, 09:44:35 UTC
Mark shook his head, his old stubbornness rearing its head once again. "No. I won't hurt her anymore than I already have. She tried to help me and look how I repaid her. At least if I leave, I won't be able to do that to Ash or anyone else anymore."


redeyesummer June 24 2010, 18:05:45 UTC
He wasn't sleeping. Again. This was the fourth night in a row. Scott took up sitting on the second floor patio at the side of the house and letting Crystal get some sleep, instead of staying in the room. He always thought she stayed up and talked with him because she felt obligated to.

Scott had his feet propped on the railing and glanced for a moment down to the ground level. Someone was leaving out the front door. He got up and moved to lean over the railing. He wasn't sure, but it looked like a guy. "Hey?"


time_schizo June 25 2010, 00:53:38 UTC
Martini looked up, his eyes picking out Scott's tall figure even in the dim light provided by the few lamps on. He gave a small wave to the leader of Fortes, trying to keep his tone light as he opened up the front door with his other hand. "Thanks for everything, Scott. For letting me stay here and not killing me when you had the chance. But I need to go."


redeyesummer June 25 2010, 01:02:26 UTC
He gave a slow nod. He couldn't stop people from coming or going really; he could only encourage them. "You take care of yourself. And the door's always open. We'll even keep your room ready," Scott grinned.


time_schizo June 25 2010, 01:34:26 UTC
Martini gave a small smile, glad that Scott wasn't going to press the issue. "Be careful. I have a feeling something else is coming. I don't know what it is, but just be on your guard."


ttravlers_child June 24 2010, 20:02:05 UTC
Of course she knew this was coming, she knew he'd leave but Alba couldn't help but wish for some more time with him. The thought of him leaving still made her sad, even if she knew he was coming back.

Sitting on the steps of the front door, Alba hugged her knees and looked back as the door opened and Martini stepped out. "Leaving without saying goodbye," she whispered before slowly standing and turning to face him.

"I know you probably wanted to slip off without a scene but..." Moving to him she hugged him tightly, "I need to say goodbyem at least for now."


time_schizo June 25 2010, 00:56:51 UTC
He'd thought he was done making his goodbyes, but he had forgotten that Alba already knew he was leaving. Mark almost stepped on her as he walked down the steps, but with a stumble and a pause managed to avoid hurting his friend.

Even with his duffel slung over one shoulder, he still put one arm around her, face indescribably sad. "Goodbye Alba. Take care of yourself and remember that this isn't forever."


ttravlers_child June 25 2010, 08:10:03 UTC
As he held her, it was all Alba could do not to break down crying. "Time is different for us, you could see me tomorrow." Or at least a version on her, a different age, but still her.

And that thought tugged on her heart, seeing him sooner rather than later. Pulling back just a little, Alba looked into this eyes, "You look after yourself, don't make me have to come haunt you down and drag you back." Alba paused a moment before speaking again, "I miss you already," she whispered before pressing her lips to his, tears finally falling down her cheeks. Even if this wasn't goodbye forever it felt like it, and Alba had lost too many people she cared for to waste this moment.


time_schizo June 25 2010, 11:14:11 UTC
One hand stroked her hair in that comforting manner that he knew Alba had become accustomed to. "Here's hoping to that."

The kiss didn't surprise him, not after how she had confessed she wanted him to be her first. Of course, she was now sober and he was back to being insane, so there was a little bit of a difference. He kept his lips pressed against her's for a moment or two, then pulled away. He didn't want to make things any more difficult then they already were. "I miss you too," Martini said. Then he turned and began to walk away.


double_dynamite June 25 2010, 01:56:10 UTC
"You know your really bad at sneaking out there dude." She was hanging out in one of the trees, quietly watching the moon when she heard him making his getaway and tossed down a bag in front of his feet.
"There's some food and geeky essentials in there broseph."


time_schizo June 25 2010, 11:16:22 UTC
Mark just stopped and sighed, but there was an amused expression gracing his features. He picked the bag up and slid it into his own duffel. There was still plenty of room, for Martini traveled light. "Dear God. Is half the house seeing me off?"


double_dynamite June 25 2010, 11:26:50 UTC
"Apparently, your just so very popular." Hopping down from her little perch in the tree, Tabitha gently brushed off her clothes and looks Martini in the eye. "See you around Time bender."


time_schizo June 25 2010, 12:01:50 UTC
"Guess that must be it." He watched as she hopped down to the ground. Mark had forgotten to warn her he didn't like to look people in the eye, for it set off his visions. Mark was jerked into a past that was not his own. 'C'mon Tabby. Help me out. We can be a real family again.' 'I knew it! Money, that's all you ever care about! Never me!'

With a monumental effort, he focused on his present, even as part of his mind was trapped in Tabby's past. His smile hid his pain. "See ya, Boom Boom."


animalpriestess June 25 2010, 02:29:34 UTC
Crystal had been doing very well in avoiding him. She was doing fantastic actually. She'd either stay locked up away in her room or just remained out of sight by keeping herself busy. It was difficult to make eye contact with several people now. It felt like what little glue was still holding her together was peeling a part, but she was minus one nightly book so that was her only excuse to leave her room.

Senses dulled with too much thinking she didn't notice him anywhere, or rather, she had blocked him out to the point that she wouldn't see him even if he was standing in front of her. She walked to the library picked a book she hadn't yet read, and then wondered back her nose stuck in it flipping though pages trying to find a good part.

Distracted - she walked right past him. The scent brought her to before anything else and she froze, stopping dead and turned to face him. Looking much like a kitten whose toy was suddenly snatched away.


time_schizo June 25 2010, 11:25:57 UTC
Martini was beginning to wonder if it would have made any difference leaving at high noon. As far as he had been able to tell from his various encounters, there was just as many people up at three AM as at any other part of the day ( ... )


animalpriestess June 25 2010, 23:16:44 UTC
Crystal looked to her book and folded the page her claw was keeping.

"Observant as always..." she commented looking back to him, hugging the book to her.

"You know the answer to that."


time_schizo June 26 2010, 03:29:35 UTC
They had never gotten along, and even now Mark felt awkward at this parting. What could he say to her that didn't ring of falsehood? He shifted the duffel strap on his shoulder. "You won't need to worry about me disrupting your nighttime solitude anymore. See ya around, Crystal."


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