ZOMG BOREDOM (and politics)

Apr 24, 2008 12:29

I'm trying to sort through the 100+ emails that came in while I was out of the office for 6 days. Unfortunately, an number of them are requests from users who need modules from the database...and I can't do anything else in the database while I'm checking them out...and it takes 5 or 6 minutes to check each one out...so I'm reduced to fooling around online while waiting, and hoping no one walks up behind me and thinks I'm just goofing off.

This interview in The Rake has cracked me up: Ashwin Madia - The Man, The Myth, The One Democrat Who Won’t Call Michele Bachmann Bat-Shit Crazy .  Even if you're not at all interested in Minnesota DFL politics, I suggest you click on the link and check out his picture.  I don't even live in his district, but I think I could be an Ashwin groupie.  Yum.  (Yes, that is shallow of me.  Shut up.)

The article is actually pretty funny, though.  It's not often you see an interviewer ask a political candidate questions like, "When did you get the idea [to run for Congress]? Did Iraq drive you so insane that you had to come up with ways to torment yourself when you got back home?" and, "You've mentioned George Bush is the reason you switched parties in 2003. But I've seen chimps on Discovery Channel do a better job of portraying conservative values than him. What makes you a Democrat? Why not a Libertarian, apart from that whole 'actually wanting to win' thing?"


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