I am home. And I need a vacation.

Apr 23, 2008 21:00

Soooooo. I finally got home tonight. After Starfest ended in Denver, I took pills and went to bed at 9 freaking PM Sunday night, because I had to get up at 3 frakking AM Monday morning in order to catch the airport shuttle at 3:30 AM to get on a flight to Minneapolis at 6:30 AM. And then I immediately got on another flight to Tampa where I just spent 3 days for work. Yeaaaaaaah. That seemed like a good idea when I booked the ticket; I now think I must have been on very, very, very bad crack when I did it.

And I had been very happy that my cold seemed to be improving the last couple of days, but I've felt like crap today. About 90 minutes ago, I realized that I should probably be concerned over the fact that it's 73 degrees out but yet I'm shivering. So I took my temperature and it's 100.6. WTF? Hopefully I'm just worn out from the travel, and not getting sick again. The problem is, though, that I have two pages written up about the con and I wanted to write a little bit more. And I had a couple of other things I was inspired to write on last night. But my eyes are burning and my head aches and I want to go to bed.

I did manage to make it through my flist, which was insanely long. I'd read a few posts over the weekend, but I had 9 pages of new entries, at 25 entries per page. I feel bad, but I only replied to a few posts, just because otherwise, I'd be replying till midnight. I got tagged for a couple of fun memes that I want to do, but...after I get a bit of rest.

I hope you all are having a good week!  I am going to haul the laptop upstairs and try to accomplish something before I totally drift off to sleep.

woe despair and agony on me

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