I really suck at life, you know that?

Mar 04, 2008 12:10

So I had an extended conversation via email with Chris last week about setting up another euchre night. And Saturday while eating lunch, I finally hammered out a date and a place with her. And I said I'd set up the meetup and send out the invitation emails.

Did I do it right then? No.

Did I remember to do it that night when I got home? No.

Did I remember to do it Sunday? No.

Did I remember to do it yesterday? No.

God only knows that else I have managed to completely fail on, in the last few days. And today is so busy at work... I had plans for tonight but I clearly need to go home, retrace my mental steps and try to figure out if there's anything else I've screwed up, and fix it ASAP.

ETA: Of course, Chainlighting knows exactly what to say to cheer me up...

euchre, drivel, woe despair and agony on me

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