Apr 01, 2008 07:55
Yes dear friends, in case you've forgotten (even though I'm sure you didn't, I mean how could you?), today is mine and my brother's birthdays. Normally I'd complain about having to share, but I've been doing this for awhile now, this birthday sharing thing. So it doesn't bother me anymore.
I'll be having a little celebration at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes around closing time. Feel free to stop by, it's sure to be a good time!
And make sure you bring me a present! Those are always fun.
OOC: So this is the start of a little impromptu RP, should anyone decide to come. Feel free to have your muse drop by even if he/she isn't a wizard. We'll say George rigged something to get them in. He's good at that. :)