Plastic Bag Levy

Apr 17, 2008 09:20


The government want to ban plastic bags at supermarkets or put on a levy. Food prices are already going up and we have to buy green bags to be environmentally friendly and now we have to pay for the plastic bags.

My thoughts - I take green bags to the supermarket (usually if I remember to put them in the car) BUT I do like to bring home some plastic bags because I use them in my bin. So if they ban the plastic bag then I am going to have to BUY plastic garbage bags to put in my bin. If they bag the plastic bag rather than putting on a levy thinking that would hurt people less than people are going to have to buy bags when they get to the supermarket because half the people always forget their green bags anyway.

There was a usggestion by a poli that you wrap up your waste in newspaper to put in the bin.

My thoughts:
ok I have a worm farm so I try to put a lot of my food waste in there but they don't take all the food waste and the dogs don't eat all my other scraps either so that leaves the bin. We don't buy newspapers regularly in our house so you are saying I have to buy newspapers (ok I know they break down and are renewable but they still take chopping down trees to make) to wrap up my waste which could leak everywhere or break or just make a big mess.
And what about my cat and dog waste that I have to clean up and dispose of - I don't really want to wrap that up in newspaper. ewwwww...

I know a heap are not used responsibility and end up as litter and also end up in our landfill and don't break down. Well can't we make more environmentally friendly plastic bags. I might pay a levy for that. They now make corn based nappies so they can break down why not use that technology to make plastic bags. If a nappy can hold onto the waste a baby produces I am sure it will be a strong enough plastic bag.

My thoughts anyway.... I probably should be a keen environmentalist and support this but I can see where it will go wrong. They need to put a lot more thought and discussion into this.

issues, environment

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