Plastic Bag Levy

Apr 17, 2008 09:52

On Friday Alexander needed a trip out so I thought I would return my library books and get some new ones out even though I was still plowing through The Stone Key Isabella Carmody but we needed a trip out and I hadn't been to the Warilla Library so off we went and I returned my books and I thought I would do a little browsing.

I found a heap of books I wanted and just literally filled my bag and then went to the counter to borrow them and thought wow can I really read these all in 3 weeks. THough there is one that is only a 2 week loan so I better watch that one and The Stone Key is due back in two days so must remember to return that now I have finished it. Yes I finished it. I had to devote most of all my time and space to reading it. THe only other book I had going at the same time was Hons and Rebels by Jessica Mitford because it sits in the side pocket of my rocking chair and I can read it while nursing Alexander because it is a small paperback but I finished that and didn't start anything else.

I did enjoy The Stone Key and though I don't feel I /have/ to reread the whole series because they do talk about stuff that happened in the past I think I might reread the first book just to remind myself where it all started. The most annoying thing about the book is that there is another book coming after it and how long will it take her to write and publish that one considering how long the stone key took?????? By the time it comes out I will have forgotten what happened in this one and the books are so big and weighty and take so much time that I don't really have that much to devote to books at the moment.

So I was going to say if you like the series read it but I can barely remember the series and it was still a good read even being thrown into the deep end of it so I did enjoy it but why do people have to write such big books (I suppose otherwise the series might be even longer if she cut it into two or she would cut stuff out).

I am currently reading THe Pool of Two Moons which is good because I think the whole series has been written and published so I should be left in the lurch and I found number 3 at Warilla library so I don't have to buy the whole series. Don't know why it didn't come up when I did a search for it but hopefully they have the rest of the series too. So now I have to get through this one so I can read number 3 before I have to return it to the library.

Disappointing read of the week
Fortune's Fool Mercedes Lackey
Now I love Mercedes Lackey's book, have ever since I read Arrow's Flight and I buy many of her books and devour them, in fact looking at my bookshelf, she nearly takes up the whole shelf to herself.
This book seemed to have a good premis (though I didn't take that much notice of the premis beyond Mercedes Lackey wrote it). It's set in a world (Tales of the 500 Kingdoms) I haven't read before of hers where she looks at the fairy tale genre. Now she's done this with The Elemental Masters series but that is fairy tales redone in the "Real" world that is inhabited by elementas and elemental masters (ie wizards).
Now this book looks at the Tradition of fairy tales and how hard it is to fight tradition because that is the path it has to go. This one is about the seventh son of a king who as tradition says has to be the fool. Now this family is making the tradition work for them - on the outside they look like they are in the midst of the tradition, in private they know how it works and don't really think Sasha is a fool. There are godmothers and dragons and witches and gypsies. Now Sasha meets Katya who is the daughter of the King of the Sea and they are not as fully ruled by tradition as land beings. Her job is spy for her father and in the course of this meets Sasha and they fall in love and have sex. Ok right in the middle of this story it turns into romance and there are a couple of pages of sex or them thinking about sex or them having sex. Oh my I was not expecting that. I mean in the middle of a romance novel if I have got one out from the library which I do every now and then as some meaningless chocolate for the brain but I did not expect this from Mercedes Lackey. It's not as if I am against sex in novels but this was so blantently a romance novel that I was surprised. If I had looked at the cover a bit harder and perhaps read the premis a bit closer I might have realised that the publishing company is a romance publishing company and obviously it was written for that market but I didn't know that!!!

Here is the blurb form
From Publishers Weekly
Lackey's ornate, meandering third installment in her Five Hundred Kingdoms romantic saga (after 2006's One Good Knight) heralds the fair Princess Ekaterina, seventh daughter of the Sea King, whose magic enables her to surface from the watery deep and live on land as well. When her father dispatches her on a spying mission to the Drylands, she falls in love with the land-born seventh son of the king of Led Belarus, Prince Sasha Pieterovich, a Songweaver who calls on magic through music. But their steamy courtship is soon interrupted by an evil Jinn, who captures Katya and confines her to his castle along with dozens of other magically gifted females, whose powers he saps to enrich his own. But stealing clever Katya is a big mistake for the Jinn, as it leads to a pyrotechnic showdown-dragons and all-before the gifted couple continue on their path to wedded bliss. (Mar.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Yes steamy courtship!!!

So I was disappointed with this read, it was light and fluffy but I wasn't expecting that.

It was like when Daniel and I went out to dinner the other night and I was disappointed with my meal, not that it was terrible but from the description on the menu I didn't get what I expected.

reading, review, books

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