
Apr 11, 2008 15:00

I've been busy trying to tidy the study, tidy the house, look after Alexander while he's sick that I haven't done anything crafty. So yesterday I worked on my wedding album (almost done after 18 months!) and today I did a page of Alexander's baby album. So I feel accomplished.

Pet Peeve
Went shopping the other day and the amount of people who are parked in the parents with prams spot whose cars have never seen a child let alone a baby let alone a pram!! I mean I understand those parents who duck in and don't actually have their child but they have a baby seat but those young men who just want a spot in the shade close to the entrance!!!!! And D got hassled one day about parking in the spot when he went back to fetch something from the car and Alexander and I were inside the shopping centre. Purlease! Least there was a baby seat in the car! Some people

craft, life, baby

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