Apr 02, 2006 06:01
FUCK YOU ALL..literally. Ive finally exploded. Im sick of being the nice guy, or the guy that knows everyone. The guy who, if someone needs something thats who you call. SCREW yoU. What happened to calling to hang out. What happened to brotherhood? KISS MY ASS. ALL OF YOU. iM SORRY IM A SOCIAL PERSON AND YOUR FUCKING TOO STUPID TO MEET NEW PEOPLE. Dont call me for help, but leave me haning when it counts the most to me. Im sick and tired of this shit. Im not longer helping you, no longer working for you and no longer considering you a friend. IF YOU FALL IN THE CATEGORY ABOVE.?? FUCK YOU! Im not being nice anymore. Your not my friend if you only call me for favors. Im sick of waiting, wanting and watching. sorry, actually Im not. i feel sorry for you. Your hurting a good person, and hurting a good frined.nOT TO MENTION LOSING A LOYAL ONE. no More no more. Stop talking behind my back, making me look like shit. truth is your a pussy. I said it. If you ahve problems TELL ME!!!! STOP FUCKING HIDING IT. IM SICK OF BEING NICE, SICK OF IT, TIRED OF IT, ITS NOT ME NO MROE. IM GOING TO BE A STRAIGHT DICK. LOVE YOU ALL,,, NOT! FUCK YOU YOU WOULD HELP THE WORLD IF YOU WERENT SO FUCKING FAKE! FAKE~! fAKE! GOOD NIGHT, AND FUCK YOU. SHOTT ME.
-your mom