(no subject)

Feb 08, 2006 21:42

Body: valentines

1. do you like anyone?: hell yes.. cant get her outa my mind
2. do they know it?: she better!


4. Had someone buy you something?: does thomas taking me out to lunch count ^.^ if so then yes.
5. Bought something?: yes actually today for someone for valentines day
6. Gotten sick?: was it this month i got...nope my flu/hangover was during new yrs
7. Been hugged?: yes
8. Felt stupid?: yea... everyday
9. Talked to an ex?: a lot thomas comes over but shh his parents dont know it ^,^
10. Missed someone: most deffinantly...thomas when hes not here...and sarah everyday
11. Failed a test: probably..oh yea exams...econ ugh.
12. Ate cereal: every day
13. Danced crazy: every day
14. Lied? actually i dont think so ..that i can think of


16. Any nervous habits?: my hands get sweaty but thats not a habbit lol..uhm i bite my nails >.<
17. Are you double jointed?: yea kinda in my arm and in my thumb
18. Can you roll your tongue?: yes
19. Can you raise one eyebrow?: no
20. can you cross your eyes? yea but it hurts
21. Do you make your bed daily?: nope


23. Said "I Love you" and meant it: absolutly... i dont say it unless i mean it...and recently ive had these urges to say it to someone...but it would probably just be awkward to them...
24. Given money to a homeless person?: no
26. Waited all night for a phone call that never came?: yes... sarah sometimes forgets how to use a phone ...no lol jk she had rehearsal didnt think she would
27. Snuck out?: nope
28. Sat and looked at the stars?: not for long it was cold...but i would really like to do that when it gets warm
29. Do you swear?: fuck no
30. Do you ever spit?: only in the sink
31. You cook your own food?: yes...but i dont
32. You do your own chores?: yea i have to
33. You like beef jerky?: no
34. You like pepsi or coke?: pepsi
35. You're happy with your hair?: yea i like my new haircut im thnking about dying it tho
36. You own a dog?: yes
37. You spend your money wisely?: not really
38. Do you like to swim?: yes but not when the waters freezing.. its funner if its dark and ur naked HA
39. Get bored when you call a friend?: nope
40. Are you patient?: not really.....but sometimes.. it depends wat it is


41. flowers or chocolate: flowers
42. gray or black?: black
43. Color or black and white photos?: depends on the picture...but prolly black and white
44. lust or love?: love most definantly.. but when i fall in love ..i fall hard
45. sunrise or sunset?: sunset
46. M&Ms or Skittles?: Skittles

1. Do u have a Valentine? im not sure. but i got her a present
2. If so, who with? hopefully sarah.. but its not like imma get to see her that day v.v
3. Sign? taurus
4. Do you believe in love at first sight? yes.
5. what about true love? yes
6. Have you made out with casual people? nope
7. Would you kiss on the first date? maybe
8. Do you look for one night stands? no
9. Do you enjoy recieving flowers? yes
10. Do you enjoy gifts from your girl/guy: who doesnt?


1. you have a valentine planned out to have? theres no way i could her mom doesnt like me anymore...and thomas.... his mom doesnt like me either.. wat the hell did i ever do wrong?
2. do you like having a valentine? yea
3. does someone like you currently? 2 people thomas and sarah.
4. are you even worried about the upcoming holiday: yes actually...it'll just make me wish i could b spending that day with her....or hell even thomas would be nice...but im not going out with him..but i love him.
6. whats the best gift to recieve on the day? anything from the heart
7. Is a little kiss (peck on cheek) during school on vday sweet? well yes

reply and copy it and do it urself its amusing.
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