Title: Futility
great_whatsit Team of choice: OGC Nice
Prompt: New
Pairing: Ederson/Hugo Lloris
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Lies.
Note: Hugo and Eder both transferred to Lyon this summer, and I still can not stop.
Hugo had never done this before, watching other people notice Eder. Or he had, but only as one of the noticers. This time, it was different; this time, Eder was his. (As always, Hugo blushed at the thought; as always, he cursed himself for blushing.)
He watched the heads start to turn at the sound of Eder's laugh, he watched the heads stop; he could almost feel them resisting. They wouldn't be seduced, wouldn't let this new arrival into their hearts that easily -- he'd have to prove himself. Hugo could almost hear their inner monologues.
(With effort, he kept from laughing.)