An SCA Feast

Feb 10, 2009 13:43

In April 2008 my best friend was Head Cook for an SCA feast. We took pictures of each of the dishes that went to the Head Table, but the photographer had some computer problems and I just got them. Thought you guys would like to see.

If I recall correctly we cooked for 106 and had 8 at the Head Table.

Italics are quotes from the feast book which was on each table. My brain dump about the day is here.

Onion Tart / Torta de Schalogne o de Cepolle
Cold Beef Soup / Beuf Froit

First Course:
Tuna / Ton
Little Leaves & Fennel / Delle Foglie Minu te
Fresh Bake Bread

Second Course:
Pork with Slavic cooking sauce (Garlic sauce)
Gnocchi / Se Uvoi i Gnocchi
Applesauce / Pumata

Third Course:
Haricot of Lamb / Hericot de Mouton
Asparagus in cream
Semolina Dish / Cemolella Ciciliana

Pistachio Cream / Cream of Pistaches

All pictures by eridun of Erika Morton Photography


Cold beef soup Cold Beef Soup / Beuf Froit (Early French Cookery 108 / 3-B)

If you have any cold beef, cut it very thin; then grind a little bread soaked in verijuce and strain it into a plate, and spice powder over top; heat over coals. It is good for three people. / Managier de Paris, 145-46 /57

Beef Soup, originally uploaded by OrlaCarey.

Onion Tart Onion Tart / Torta de Schalogne o de Cepolle (The Medieval Kitchen 241 / 77) If you were to make a tort of these two things, take the one you want and boil it well. First remove the water well with a ? and mince finely add fine lardo and mince well take egg and fresh cheese and saffron and mix together and add to tart.

Onion Tart, originally uploaded by OrlaCarey.

1st Course:
Tuna Tuna / Ton (The Medieval Kitchen 240 / 70)

Ton est un poisson qui est trouve en la mer ou estan marinaulx des parties de Languedoc, et n’a auncunes fors l’eschine, et a dure pel, et se doti cuire en eaue et se mengue au poivre jaunet
Tuna is a fish from the sea or in the bay of Languedoc, it has no backbone and has tough skin, and cooked in water and served with Poivre Jaunet.

Povore jaunet ou aigrette / Yellow sauce TMK 247/109
Prenez gingember, safren,puis preignel’em pain rosty deffait d’eaue char (et encores vanult mieux la meigre eaue de choulx), puis boulir, et au boulir mettre le vinaigre.

Tuna, originally uploaded by OrlaCarey.

Little Leaves & Fennel Little Leaves & Fennel / Delle Foglie Minute (The Medieval Kitchen 230 / 19)Togli spinacci e triplice biete, scielglili bene e fa bollire. Poi le cave, e battile col coltello fortement: poi togli petroselli,finocchi, anesi, cipolle, e battile e tritale col coltello e soffriggi con olio bene; e prendi alter erbe minute e soffriggile insieme e mettivi uno poco d’acqua e lassa bullire, e mettivi del pepe e de le specie; e da mangiare.
In cuesto modo si possono ponere... / And at this point you can add...

Little Leaves and Fennel, originally uploaded by OrlaCarey.

Bread and butter: Bread baked by frederich the day before the feast. One loaf per table IIRC.

Bread and Butter, originally uploaded by OrlaCarey.

Butter, originally uploaded by OrlaCarey.

2nd Course
Pork: Pork with Slavic cooking sauce (Garlic sauce) (Cuoco Napoletano) Get good walnuts and grind them, when ground, add in as much garlic as you wish; then get a crestless loaf of white bread and sock it in broth, grind it again and distemper it with broth; make up small bowls with pepper on top if you want yellow, add saffron; if you want it peacock-blue, add black grapes or cherries - I mean, their juice
Note that in grinding walnuts, or even almonds, you should always add a drop of fresh water or rosewater in to the mortar as you grind

Pork, originally uploaded by OrlaCarey.

Sauce, originally uploaded by OrlaCarey.

Gnocchi: Gnocchi / Se uvoi i gnocchi (The Medieval Kitchen 229 / 9) Togli lo casscio fresco e pestalo: poscia togli la farina et intridi con tuorla d’uova a modo di migliacci. Poni il paiuolo al fuoco con acqua e quando bolle, poni lo triso in su inuno taglieri, fallo andare colla cazza nel paiuolo, e quando sono cotti , poni sopra li taglieri e getta su assai cacao grattugiato.

Cheese Gnochii, originally uploaded by OrlaCarey.

Applesauce: Applesauce / Pumata (Cuoco Napoletano) Get Almonds, grind them thoroughly and make milk, then get 10-12 cooked apples, grind them up and sieve them, mix them with the almond milk and little rosewater and sugar and cook the mixture until it is thick, then take it off the fire and make up dishes of it

Applesauce, originally uploaded by OrlaCarey.

3rd Course:
Lamb: Haricot of Lamb / Hericot de mouton (The Medieval Kitchen 235 / 40) Cut in into small pieces, then boil it for a moment, and fry it in lard, and fry with it some onions finely cut up and cooked, moisten with beef broth, and mace, parsley, hyssop, and sage, and boil it together.

Lamb, originally uploaded by OrlaCarey.

Asparagus Asparagus in cream (The French Cook 100 / 79) Cut them very small, and leave nothing but the green; fry them with butter very fresh or melted lard, parsley and chibol, or a bundle of herbs. After that stove them a little with new cream, and serve, if you will, with a little nutmeg.

Asparagus, originally uploaded by OrlaCarey.

Semolina: Semolina Dish / Cemolella Ciciliana (Cuoco Napoletano) Cook the semolina in fat broth, adding it little by little to the pot, stirring constantly with a spoon; boil it for half an hour on the coals away from the fire, then dish it up and put cheese and spices on top. During Lent you can make this with almond milk, sugar and rosewater.

Semolina Dish, originally uploaded by OrlaCarey.

Pistachio Cream Cream of pistaches (The French Cook 85)

Take one handfull of Pistaches stamped, and a quart of milk, boil it with a implement of metal, which you shall mix with it. When it is almost sod, allay six yolks of eggs with our Pistaches, and a little butter very new, put it all in a pan with store of sugar and little salt. If you will, you may put in it Musk or Amber also, with much sugar but very little Musk. Beat all well together, and serve garnished with flowers.

Pistachio Cream, originally uploaded by OrlaCarey.

pork, fish, baking, asparagus, bread, dessert, applesauce, blackberries

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