fiddling with fiddleheads

May 30, 2007 18:58

In my most recent local food box, I got a lovely-looking bag of fiddleheads. I'm very excited as I've never had them before, and I did a little googling about them so I know about steaming them for 10-12 min before eating (according to the CFIA).

I'm wondering if any of you have suggestions for preparing them. My thought was to steam for 12 min, then saute in a little butter, but I'd love to hear more. I have enough for 2 servings, so I can try a couple of different suggestions. To go with them I have some really nice-looking pork chops, as well as broccoli and perhaps some rice (so if anyone has thoughts on either of those I'd love to hear them too! :).


advice, fiddleheads

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