Dec 14, 2006 15:15
Okay, I got lots of responses on my last post ranting about my sister and her husband's myriad of food sensitivities. After much asking, cajoling and a bit of begging, I have received a list of "banned" foods (mostly additives). I also received much comiseration, consolation and some really informative and educational responses to that post from this community. Armed with all of that, I have submitted a menu for approval to said sister. Things that were okay last week are not okay this week (yet more revelations of things left off list). Most of these sensitivities seemed to be related to MSG and the things it can be combined with or hidden under. I have a more detailed list from a food allergy website.
Yes, I have designated a few items for her to prepare and bring, however I need suggestions/help with the remaining few specifically:
Venison roast. Originally I had considered wrapping it in bacon, roasting it and glazing it in cranberry jelly and scotch then making some kind of gravy with the pan drippings and organic beef broth. I got some great suggestions for organic, minimally added to bacon. I don't live near a Trader Joe's but we have Central Market and Whole Foods and they each have something similar (and now I find out sulfites/sulfates and nitrates/nitrates aren't an issue, well they get the good bacon anyway). Now I can't use the scotch (it's malted) nor the jelly (has pectin or gelatin in it) nor the organic beef broth (or any packaged, boxed, canned or frozen commercially prepared broth of ANY kind - something to do with the processing?). I had also considered doing something like the prebrining Alton Brown did for turkey. Question - anyone done a beef/game roast with the prebrine technique? Or any other suggestion on what to do with my roast? Keep the bacon and use homemade cranberry sauce (real easy, I know)?
Cheese Sauce/Queso: Despite the fact that she approved each and every ingredient in the process cheese spread and the jarred salsa, she now says she can't eat the cheese sauce made with it. Not okay this week. My mother is bringing a few jars of her own homegrown and home canned salsa. However, I need a cheese sauce recipe that is velveeta like in texture and ease of reheating. Something very cheddary and creamy (the boys and big guys are a little wary of something not like the traditional velveeta/salsa mixture). Very definitely something I can make ahead and reheat (probably more than once).
For grins and food pornness - here's my Christmas menues:
Christmas Eve: (South Texas Traditional)
Tamales (yeah, homemade by a little lady that doesn't speak English)
Guacamole, chips
mom's homemade chili (already approved by the sister),
homemade salsa
cheese queso (pending approval).
Tossed salad with assorted bottled dressings (and she brings her own).
Served with Dad's famous Margaritas
(after Church) S'mores and Ice Cream!
Christmas Day:
Venison Roast (not sure how yet)
Wild Rice Pilaf (wild and brown rices with water chestnut slivers)
Mix of baby peas and sugar snap peas
Cranberry sauce (homemade)
Wheat rolls (homemade)
desserts (gotta have more than one): Artemis cake (recipe from a former post here)
some kind of lemon square or lemon meringue type thing that my sister chooses to make
No Fail Gingerbread (also recipe from someone here)
Spiced red wine, Coffee, and Egg Nogg (but not for her)
I look forward to your suggestions and comments. I promise pictures after the feasts!
EDIT: If you hear something enough times, it just might sink in!!! Okay, updates: venision - getting marinate in red wine, rosemary, garlic and black pepper. Then roasted with the bacon laid over it. AND sister is making her own home made venison stock and bringing it for the gravy. As for cheese sauce - she's on her own. If they can eat the entre and some of the sides they will be okay. As for what they eat the rest of their stay - they are fending for themselves. They know what I keep on hand and they have said they will be bringing stuff they can eat. (and I have triple checked that red wine is okay). Thanks for your comments and suggestions. Again, computer cooperating, I'll try to respond to everyone.
recipe request,